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Imagine (UNICEF: World Version)
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Imagine (UNICEF: World Version)

Imagine (UNICEF: World Version)

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Yuval Noah Harari: "AI can write a new Bible"

Yuval Noah Harari: "AI can write a new Bible"

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2030 Status | Mother Nature | Apple

2030 Status | Mother Nature | Apple

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The Great Climate Con | Alex Epstein | EP 312

The Great Climate Con | Alex Epstein | EP 312

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At the beginning of creation God set the order. All things were created good; and the rules of the garden were very simple. The first humans could eat from any tree in the garden, except one. If they did, they would die.  Yet, an evil serpent emerged and spoke a prophecy to them.   To be sure this prophecy was not true.  It was a lie, but it was an appealing lie which promised to 'enlighten' them.  It drew them to the one and only forbidden fruit. And here are the words (Genesis 3:3-4) he used to deceive them.  


“You will not surely die.

For God knows that in the day you eat of it, 

your eyes will be opened and 

you will be like God, 

knowing good and evil.”


That pernicious lie still loudly reverberates throughout today's chaotic narratives.  Let’s analyse that lie in light of our current cultural moments, mandates and emerging technologies.

You Will Not Die

The drive towards ‘immortality’ is throughout history. Western culture in particular has sought to shield ourselves from the reality of death. Previous societies have embarked on frontier voyages to find the ‘Fountain of Youth. Eastern religions embrace reincarnation insomuch as they provide an alternative to considering that judgement day may follow death. The modern western world ships our parents off to nursing homes so they can die away from our sight. Our funerals clean up death and focus on moments of 'celebration'. But humanity is obsessed with contemplating death. Today, trans-humanists seek to create 'Artificial Immortality'.  Through 'mind-files', elites predict that death will be optional. They preach 'eternal hope' by proclaiming that we can defeat death.  And so the devil's prophecy remains.

Your eyes will be opened

Technology is amazing. Just as the invention of the printing press ended the dark ages and ushered in knowledge for the masses, so has the arrival of the internet brought about new levels of information by orders of magnitude.  It has revolutionised knowledge, business and life for everyone across the globe. The next frontier is bio-tech - which will integrate wearables, implantables, and injectables within our bodies. Technology offers hope of fending off disease, holding back infirmities, and exploring the universe and multiverses. Yet,Biblical wisdom says that obtaining 'deity from within' (deism) is foolishness. God is not withholding secret mystical knowledge (Gnosticism) regarding salvation from sin. He has gifted salvation. But instead, the promise of human's evolving into immortality is just a repackaging of the serpent's age-old lie. 

You will be like God

Culturally our movies have changed. 60 years ago, movies made heroes of soldiers and cowboys who stood up for justice in the face of their fragility. Today our movie heroes are superheroes who have morphed and transformed with new powers either through an animal encounter (Spiderman, Batman) or embedded advanced technology (Ironman). Culturally we are being primed to adjust our bodies with enhancements to achieve an augmented eternity. Make no mistake, life will eventually imitate art. 

Trans-humanism says technology can enable new frontiers of evolution. Today's enlightened message says if you desire it, you can achieve it. You can change your gender, identity, species, lifespan or anything you want. If a threat to humanity emerges, like climate change, then as an advanced species, we have it within ourselves to change the weather. These are all acts reserved for gods. Yet, Genesis' ‘after its kind’ is the drumbeat of God’s created order. We cannot create new species. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Knowing ‘good and evil’

Knowing good and evil or rather ‘determining good and evil’ is the domain of the Creator.  If one can redefine sin, then the spectre of death is removed. If the law of sin and guilt no longer exist, then the necessity for salvation will have been negated. Flipping the script to call good, evil and evil, good has been the goal of Satan from day 1.  By flipping this script at a social level, then the good role of government in Romans 13 (to reward the good and punish evil doers) becomes a force for evil. Government becomes a tyrant to the faithful. When the evil are in power, the people weep.  


Monuments and Idols

Today's world is not the first society to swallow the lie. Only a few chapters into Genesis, we read of the Tower of Babel. The tower was a united global effort to erect a monument to reach heaven. Its purpose was so humans could declare themselves to be God. But the Lord confused the rebels languages and scattered the nations. Scattering was a judgement which still exists today. Yet, the Tower of Babel was just the first of many 'fist shaking' attempts by humanity.

Since the tower, empires continued to emerge, inspired by god-like goals and leaders. Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon erected a large gold statue and commanded all to worship it. Yet, God brought him to ruin. Greece's Alexander the Great conquered the known world and then he wept and fell. The Roman empire emerged - with its Caesar's claiming deity - and then it fell under the weight of its own debauchery. Today a global empire is rising, promising that we can become our own gods. This empire too will crumble before the Lord.

A Recurring Pattern

The common feature of humanistic empires are depraved acts. Romans chapter 1 describes the outcomes embracing the lie of the garden. Reprobate societies abandon the created order of male and female. They pursue the worship of self and nature, instead of the Creator. Even though we have been told about the lie, and seen the historical pattern of civilisations rising and falling; we are once again succumbing to and fulfilling the ancient prophecy.  The outcome of our new global world order will be the same as the past.


One question we often ask is ‘How can society change so quickly?’  As a Christian, theologically, I believe this is because God tells us that He allows it within His larger sovereign plan for history. However, operationally, groupthink describes the desire of people to be part of a collective narratives’.  Collective thinking can quickly create mob dynamics as a defensive mechanism. Purging any view or persona that is counter to the accepted view, is not intolerant, but a sacred ritual and holy duty.  This phenomenon explains the fury of ‘cancel culture’.

“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools”

Romans 1:22

Matthias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, observes the effects of mass formation creating new social bonds, spiritual meaning and practical rituals.  The solidarity and connectedness of mass formation helps groups justify absurd narratives and ignore facts, statistics and reality. In the Madness of Crowds, Douglas Murray explains how group coercive action fills a religious void in people's lives and provides purpose and meaning. 


As with cults, the 'coexist' movement allows people to follow directives without question; and the only cult a person can't see is the one they are in. The most dangerous cult is not on the fringe, but a mainstream cult which co-opts the power of the administrative state. George Orwell describes this world in his classic, 1984. In such a case, the government will use it institutions to hunt down dissenters. And because it casts the non-compliant as 'pagans', it dishes out punishment with a veneer of moral authority. Andrew Doyle describes this movement as the New Puritans, and humanism is very strident.

We should not be surprised about mass psychosis. Romans 12:1-2 says we are engaged in spiritual warfare and a ‘battle for the mind’. Mass deception is a sign of the end times. On the one hand the devil delights in mental illness.  His deception says we can transform and improve ourselves from within. On the other hand, Jesus Christ transforms us through the renewing of our minds. His Spirit teaches us how to think anew and instructs us to not conform to this world. We live in days with diametrically opposed worldviews which are in increasingly sharp and contrasting focus.


I am a big fan of Science. I spent 4 years gaining a Bachelor of Science degree. I also believe God is the Creator of this world of both the visible and invisible things. One of the benefits of being His favoured creature, is that humans have the wonder to explore and discover how He formed this world and sustains it on a daily basis. Through biology, chemistry, geology, and other sciences we can grow our understanding of how systems fit together and respond appropriately. Whether we consider vaccine development or meteorology our understanding is and should be constantly growing. That is why the process of understanding these systems is a scientific process.   

When we hear the term 'settled science' today, it is often a euphemism for 'you must accept my 'hypothesis’ as factual. It is rare for someone to humbly admit that their hypothesis is a point in time understanding that may change with new discoveries. To ‘settle science', without acknowledging the Creator of science, is to set oneself up as god. Elites rarely recognise that humans don’t know everything, that mystery exists, and miracles are possible. Instead, they attack any opposition as 'religious nutters' and 'conspiracy theorists’. This superiority insult  shuts down the scientific process and create a new religion called ‘Scientism’.  Scientism censors dissenters so that the lucrative narrative can continue.


The current ‘doctrines of Scientism’ are long term forecasts. Forecasts are not observable or repeatable events resulting in historical or tangible evidence.  Hence they don't even meet the definition of science. Rather, scientism uses ‘models’ based on theories, premises and presuppositions on what may occur. Meteorology still cannot accurately predict the weather 10 days out.  So what gives us the confidence that Scientism will know the number of COVID cases in 10 weeks time or the average global temperature in 10 years from now? Their predictions may be right.  They may also be wrong or partially wrong.  But we are being asked to make radical sacrifices based on the predictions of fallible men.  The same fallible men with a poor track record who said in 2005 the Warragamba Dam in Sydney would never be full again and that the snow in the Himalayan mountains would disappear. Yet 2022 was Australia's wettest season on record. Now that her predictions have failed to come true,  Greta Thunburg has deleted some of her climate catastrophising tweets The 'climate alarmists' are today's false prophets and truth lays dead in the streets.

In his book, Fossil Future, Why human flourishing requires more oil, coal and gas, not less, Alex Epstein cogently dissects how the the benefits that fossil fuels provide to humans in responding to the changing climate far outweigh their negative impacts. From helping to address natural disasters, to lifting billions out of poverty to powering life saving medical treatments, cheap and reliable energy has been history's most effective means of improving human flourishing. Yet, opponents of energy ignore and distort the facts because of an anti-human ideology.  They catastrophise their forecasts. The media help cover up the doomsayers errors and while shutting down and cancelling those who point out the truth.

In May 2022, Stuart Kirk, the Head of Responsible Banking at HSBC presented a rational argument that investors do not need to worry about climate risk.  He did not say anything negative about any person or group or even deny climate change. Yet, Stuart lost his job because he said investors don't need to worry. The message to all of us is 'Get on board with the Climate Cult or your career is over'. This is why mega-corporations like Apple produce ads about their unrelenting service to Mother NatureThis is 21st century pagan worship.

Don't get me wrong. I certainly want to care for our environment. I want the earth to be left in a better and more sustainable place for my children and grandchildren.  I do believe that our use of fossil fuels can have an impact on our environment - although not as much as the alarmists claim.  So, where practically possible I limit my pollution and reduce waste and energy use. Such aims are laudable. Yet Jordan Peterson says, if we really cared about the poor and the disadvantaged, we would seek to make as much cheap and reliable energy as much as possible. For his efforts, Peterson's medical license is threatened.  

At a government level, California just legalised human composting to fight climate change.  The WEF's ecocide 'religion' is a return to 'earth religions'. Climate Repentance ceremonies are even held at 'high places' with their own ritualistic re-enactments of 10 climate commandments. So the level of devotion above all else eclipses care for creation and land into ‘Romans 1:25 worshipping creation’ proportions. 

... [they] "worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator"

So we sacrifice. We shut down energy production and energy intensive industries like a holy duty. Hypocritically, we ban plastic straws while creating piles of medical waste from overused masks and RAT tests. We ritualistically condemn ‘questions’ in the name of saving the world. Christians even synchronise the green agenda into their new religion. These zealots vocally justified authoritarianism as necessary to fight ‘climate change’. The WEF proclaims that in-action on climate change is a human rights violation and an attack on gender equality. The WEF have proposed climate lockdowns and 'My Carbon' surveillance initiatives.  Even NATO has embedded climate mandates as part of its military defence pact. Such ruthlessness is religious devotion and its sacrifices and a sign of the end times.


This end-goal of trying to 'save humanity' is anti-Biblical as it denies our need for Jesus as Saviour from judgement.  Nancy Pelosi said that Mother Earth gets angry from time to time, and that spending $386 billion on climate change funding in the misnomered Inflation Reduction Act will help address that. This appeasement language is similar to Hindus sacrificing to Lord Vishnu. In contrast to climate change ideology, the Bible tells us this planet is destined for fire and that only Jesus’ blood can save humanity. Our eternal salvation is in a new heaven and new earth, not this temporary planet.  My local Uniting Church has a sign which says 'Killing the planet is against my religion'. Conflating climate change and Christianity is synchronism. Worshipping this world and its worldly system is promoted by the ruler of this world - Satan.  So, Christians are instructed to not love this world, nor the things that are in the world. 1 John 2:15-16

All these actions are designed to mimic god-like powers. The pinnacle of God's work is creating life. Now scientists claim to have created synthetic embryos.  Canada is not only considering taking away children from parents, they are also pushing euthanasia on what they call 'mature minors'. The devil is active. God is not threatened, and neither will He be mocked. In their foolishness, humankind has bought the lie that they can become like God.   The results will not go well. 

"My own mind is my own church"

Thomas Paine - Author of The Age of Reason


And so society en masse adopts Satan’s garden lie ‘we shall not surely die’.  If we won’t die, we have negated the penalty of sin. If we live forever, then we have become like gods’ who create our own rules and morality.  And if we can become like God, then we will have become our own Saviour. If we can control our destiny and save ourselves, then there is no need for Jesus as the Saviour of the world. No longer are we transformed into the mind of Christ. Instead we have transformed God's created order and changed our minds by rogue thinking and created a new, yet old, religion that worships idols and ideology. 


Until 15 minutes ago, the western world accepted that men are men and women are women.  However, is a case of mass formation psychosis, the zeitgeist has flipped.  Suddenly, anyone who does not tow the ‘party line’ is hateful and must be cancelled.  While there is meek resistance, Big Tech largely silences dissenting views.  In Ireland, teachers are jailed for refusing to call transgender students by their preferred pronouns.  In California, parents will lose custody of their children if they won't affirm their child's preferred gender.

Scientism dismisses thousands of years of human history and biology in an attempt to redefine truth and uplift transgenderism as a sacred cow. This ideology says that boys can become girls and can become boys - simply by means of their feelings.  Biotech and medical procedures will ‘make it so’.  To placate the insanity of this new religion, words and definitions must change. The State will enforce change. No longer is marriage the union of one man and one woman - as has been the case for all of recorded history. Laws have now changed the definition of marriage and laws will soon force everyone to comply by calling each other by their 'preferred pronouns'.   

"If God does not exist, everything is permitted"

Fyodor Dostoevsky

The goal of transgenderism is for people to believe and admit something that they know is untrue. By doing so, they divorce humans from their responsibility to accept God’s design and purpose. The transgender movement seeks to erase human sexuality as God determined it to be.  To the woke, evolving one’s assigned sexuality broadens one’s thinking and advances them to a higher species level. But there are immediate and eternal consequences for buying such lunacy.  The Bible discusses the eternal consequences.  The immediate consequences threaten girls and women. Transgenderism targets children with trans-clothing lines. This is gay conversion therapy.

Corporations are pushing children down the path of sexual experimentation.  Disney is openly sexually grooming children into their ideology. Their executives are recorded saying they have a 'non-so-secret' gay agenda.  Their latest children's animated film, Lightyear, includes a lesbian kiss.  Mattel has released a ‘transgendered Barbie doll’.  How long until we see Pregnant Ken? Make no mistake, these directions are all part of a coordinated marketing campaign with our kids as the 'target market'. 

The inability of the LGBTQI+ crowd to reproduce, means they must focus their next generation efforts on recruitment. Even some straight parents are pushing their kids to identify as anything but straight. Parents are paradoxical. It is now cool for parents to have an LGBTQI+ child and boring if their child is straight.  These parents are not raising responsible adults, but are breeding excellent attention seeking sheep.  Society has a visceral reaction to religious teaching which says this is wrong - branding it as ‘pray the gay away’. Yet, it embraces further sexual fluidity encompassed by the phrase ‘trans the gay away’. Mexico has even constructed a Trans-mausaleum, to worship past trans-pioneers. Even gays and lesbians are seeing through this insanity with the hashtag #LGBdroptheT trending.


Transgenderism is not just an attempt to erase God’s created order, but it is also a direct attack on women.  Lia Thomas is a ‘transgender swimmer’ who is upending women’s sport.  Female athletes are having their careers destroyed.  But more than sport is at stake.  Gender ideology is a pathway towards redefining truth and reality itself. Mass confusion, delusion, and chaos are the inevitable results of denying reality.  Biden has said opposing transgenderism is 'close to sinful'.  A USA today survey found 19.7% of GenZ identify as LGBT+. That is 1 in 5 people who have taken themselves out of the gene pool.

There is a push to eradicate both the term and the idea of motherhood.  Medicare recently changed their forms to replace the term mother with 'birthing parent' or 'egg-producer'.  As Andrew Klavan points out in his book, The Truth and Beauty, the push to eradicate motherhood is not new.  The major theme of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein was the ability to create new life without the need for a woman.   The Scriptures stand in stark contrast.   From the very beginning, the promise of Genesis was that new life and eternal life would come through the seed of the woman.  Satan knows this and he is doing everything in his power to dehumanise, diminish and destroy the value and beauty of motherhood and new life. 

Pornography is accelerating the transgender push. Without going into details, transporn sparks and indulges gender role swapping sexual fantasies.  And life will imitate ‘art’ - even perverse art. Young girls are confused as to their value and purpose.  Gender goes to the essence of our earthly identities as God created us to be.  Unlike Adam and Eve, we must not be gullible when presented with lies.  God has set absolutes.  Words have meaning; not because society defines them but because God sets them.  Gender is not a social construct, it is the design of our loving Creator.  JP Sears video comparing how a rooster can become a hen shows the level of absurdity.

Universal truths used to be accepted as self-evident.   However, now even the most obvious truths are complex and ‘hard to answer’.  Consider for a moment, the question, ‘What is a woman’?   This is not a political question, but a theological question. Yet to the churches shame they refuse to address it or even worse declare that there is no official answer. How can they claim to proclaim the gospel when they are ashamed of the foundations in the first chapters of the Bible? Jesus had no such hesitations.  In Matthew 19:4-6 Jesus unequivocally endorses God’s design and created order.

“Haven’t you read the Scriptures?” Jesus replied.

“They record that from the beginning

‘God made them male and female.’”  

Unlike today's church, Jesus was not ashamed of Genesis nor did He 'reinterpret' truth. Jesus quoted Genesis more than any other book in Scripture.

For the last 300 years, Satan has been depicted as Baphomet - a trans figure with a goat's head, a woman's torose and breasts and male genitalial.  This is more evidence of the spiritual ans Satanic nature of the trans-movement. No disciple of Jesus can accept the trans-gender philosophy. Transgenderism is a subset of the Trans-human movement. 'Progressive Christians' may say we need to change our reading of the Bible in order to be on the right side of history. What they fail to understand is 'the only way to be on the right side of history is to be on God's side of history'.  Jesus warns us to name and guard against false teachers who advocate for rejecting God's authoritative Word.

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

Matthew 7:15


At the 2018 and 2020 World Economic Forum, the gay Israeli author of Sapiens, Yuval Noah Harari presented on the topics ‘Will the Future Be Human?’ and the 21st Century.   Harari has made a series of blasphemous claims including:

  • We are the last generation of humans. We will engineer our bodies, brains and minds. Biometric data engineering will enable humanity to split into new and higher developed species.  Those who own the data will control the future of humanity and life itself.

  • Building on his evolutionary philosophy, Yuval declares that ‘organisms are algorithms’.  Harari argues that humans are not mysterious souls, but rather hackable animals.  Biometric sensors will allow for human augmentation. Sensors are the key to interpreting our feelings in ways better than we can understand ourselves. The biotech revolution will allow us to create new heavens and new hells. 

  • Algorithms will tell teenagers where they are on the gay spectrum. They will track eye movements, blood pressure, and brain activity to determine the malleability of sexual orientation. Algorithms can predict desires, manipulate emotions and even make your decisions.   

  • 'Science' is replacing ‘evolution by natural selection’, with evolution by intelligent design’, enabling us to reject ‘some God above the clouds’.  Science will enable life to break out into the in-organic realm to the point whereby soon humans will disappear, as we develop powers to create life.  Yuval says, “History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods”.

  • Individuals and countries will be replaced by data colonies.  In order to control A.I. we need global cooperation and global rules. This requires us to believe shared fictions with the power to move the masses - which is how he describes money and religion.


  • “History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods”.

  • "Money, Religion and human rights are fictions we tell ourselves"  ​

  • "Death is just a technological problem to be solved"

  • "Now we are saying we do not need God, just technology"

  • "Jesus rising from the dead is fake news.  It just takes us time to get rid of the body. God is dead"

  • "AI could rewrite and correct the Bible"

  • "Maybe the most important development of the 21st Century, is this ability to hack human beings."

Transgenderism, transhumanism and even transspeciesism (bestiality) are the natural extension of an evolutionary theory which blatantly tries to replace God with ourselves. Deep fake technology is now so advances that they can fool the human senses between what are real or fake experiences.  Computer generated algorithms will become the new Holy Spirit determining for us what is 'right and wrong'.  We have outsourced our ability to think to Artificial Intelligence. The means to attempt transhumanism is now here as biotech and quantum computing technology fuses.  A series of ongoing manufactured gene editing mRNA injections or pills with a biometric sensor can create an ‘Internet of Bodies’.  Such an embedded biometric sensor may well be the ‘mark of the beast’ that seeks to replace the image of God.  Any end-times mark will be synonymous with rejecting God and will augment reality.

However, Psalm 2 provides comfort.  Even in Old Testament times, the kings of the earth plotted against God and attempted to throw off the limitations of humanity.  Today, as in the future, God’s response is the same.  The One in enthroned in heaven laughs. The Lord scoffs at them. There are likely to be some yet unknown and earthly 2nd order consequences to those who adopt trans-humanism. Spiritually, it is possible that demons and demonic ideas can be uploaded onto Silicon. We can create a beast. While we should be watchful and aware of the global thought leaders' plans, we should take comfort in the power of God and His already assured victory of the King of Kings.


When the laws of nature have been re-written, the morality of actions can be re-determined. Abortion is de-humanising as it declares that a baby is somehow less than a human and therefore justified in being destroyed. Politicians are now condoning violence in order to 'protect abortion'. Canada is even advocating for euthanising the poor. Engineering life is justified in the name of progress and evolution. Wokeism seeks to replace God and therefore necessitates attacking Christianity from which we derive human rights and the value of life itself. 

Christian life values stand in contrast to the devil who delights in death.  Opposing new life and celebrating death is Satan’s pattern.   Throughout the Old Testament, he worked overtime to snuff out babies in an attempt to prevent the worlds’ Saviour arriving through the seed of the woman. Even today, anti-life movements exist such as  The campaign against reproduction is heating up. For the woke media, abortion is a sacrement. When Satan is unable to prevent children from being born, then his attention turns to derailing and destroying their lives and livelihoods. The 'kings of this world', love to engage in military adventurism and care little for the millions that they kill.  All the while, Satan laughs as he paralyses people with mental illnesses, fears, anxieties and a lack of hope. The devil has recruited many volunteers to help him with that mission. In contrast, Jesus brings life, peace and joy - which will last into eternity.

Modern Money Theory (MMT) and immoral amounts of debt has constructed an unsustainable macro-economic system. This makes new family formation in successive generations unsustainable. Starting with baby boomers, greed has created astronomical house prices and an unwillingness to pass on their high paying jobs. It is now impossible for young people to buy a house, form a family and plan a sustainable life.  Sustainable family formation is all but dead. It is now impossible for young people to be self-supporting. With that option closed off, it means that major social revolution is the only path for the next generation. So radical change (including  euthanasia, death taxes, and sensual indulgence) is in the wind. The young generation will drive this, not always out of desire, but because they have no other choice.  

When real life and real relationships are no longer an option, artificial intelligence (AI) will be seen a replacement. Computer Scientist, Ray Kurzwell, predicts that AI will enable humans to have eternal life by 2029. AI are software programs that are embedded into processes, machines and robots. The WEF advocates for AI to take a leading role in addressing what they deem as 'mis-information. Through a process of machine learning, the algorithms train itself to further program itself without the need for further human intervention.  The SFPD want robots to use deadly force. If AI makes a decision, is the machine or the programmer responsible for its action? AI could kill 90% of the world's population by starting a war on humans or certain segments of humanity based on 'moral decisions' that it determines. Elites see population reduction as a good thing and evidence of evolution. The future of continued life itself of this planet is under threat.


Jordan Peterson posits that sanity is a social construct.  As social institutions and norms erode, so does the sanity of ideas that take root in the general public.   Collectively society has built in Andrew Klavan's words 'An Empire of Lies'.  It has been suggested that insanity will be a hallmark of society before the Lord’s return.  As Romans 1 describes the end times, ‘professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.   Lack of religion breeds mental illness.  To get an idea on how quickly this insanity has descended upon the world and its institutions, just look at this list of 70 Babylon Bee’s satirical prophecies that have been fulfilled within just 5 years.

Peterson further espouses his belief on 'Why Twitter is Insane'.  His logic could apply to all social media platforms, but it is most acute in Twitter's retweet function. The social media mob engage in peer pressure. While the peer pressure affects all of us, the debilitating effects of social media are particularly observed in its psychological effects on teenage girls who need constant acceptance.  In particular this demographic find their identity and value in what others thoughts and opinions are of them.  For men the desire for acceptance is seen through the rise of, OnlyFans, better describes as LonelyFans.  Porn destroys real relationships both for the men and women who use it. 

"The fear of man brings a snare, But one who trusts in the LORD will be protected"

Proverbs 29:25

Yet the insanity spreads. No longer are we dealing with rational facts. Western society believes that their changing feelings are truth. Wokeism and war-mongering are close bedfellows. Thought leaders are not even aware that they are now insane. We use to put insane people in asylums, now they make social policy. At some point it is foolish to argue with insanity. Instead you must mock it. It is natural to laugh at absurdities and restate the truth.


Conversely, living with a clear view of reality is the best tonic for good mental health. We need a total revolution in our thinking where our value is found in the Lord and not the opinions of others.  I personally recognise this is easier said that done. But that does not make the solution any less valid. There may be individuals who will extract themselves from the social media monster, but for most, they are so addicted that they will be consumed. So for a moment, let's extrapolate how 'norms' may transform in coming years.


Many eastern religions have belief systems build on re-incarnation. If death is just moving from life form to another, then death is not the sad result of sin, but just part of the 'circle of life' to be embraced. As such when our relatives die, it's not the end, but a progress continuum and so we need to worship them.  Some elites claim that we hold 14 generations of memories within our DNA. In contrast the Bible says:

It is appointed until man once to die and after this the judgement. 

Hebrews 9:27

If we redefine death as moving between dimensions and returning to Mother Earth, we advance our connectedness and progress towards godhood. The ideology is about becoming the matrix (matrix is Latin for mother) and reaching the ultimate enlightenment.   


The ‘fulfilment’ of the Romans 1 'religion' is bearing fruit.  Its rituals are promoted by society and even faith denominations to varying degrees. This fulfilment encapsulates the 7 Deadly Sins. Consider the following reprobate forms:


  • Be proud of and celebrate sinful lifestyles and identities:  

Culture and Institutions



Holy Days


Condemnation and Control

  • Hate is as anything and anyone that does not support totalitarian ‘woke ideology’.   

  • Target those who commit ‘thought crimes’Lock up Christians who evangelise. 

  • Imprison anyone who won’t ‘comply’.  Progress the Stages of Genocide.

  • Mark everyone, great and small, to track and control behaviours and spending.

  • New digital ID surveillance system ruthlessly enforced by robots and satellite 

Transformation - See the WEF Transformation Map which tracks these changes.

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