Is this the End?
I am not God. In His wisdom He will wrap up the world when He deems fit. It won't be a moment too early or a moment too late. I don't know whether the current push for The Great Reset will be the last of the fist shaking efforts against God. In many respects, this time the rebellion against God is operationally different. Never before have we had this level of global exposure to knowledge, data and technology combining into a complete global effort to re-define God's created order.
But I do also recognise that the days of Noah felt like the end times too. So did the days of Nero and the days of Hitler. In those times many saints thought God would return in their lifetime. And Jesus deliberately compares the last days to the days of Noah. Yet, God's forgiveness and patience continued with mankind. It may be that in God's grace and mercy, He will bring this Great Reset to nought. It may also be that we are in the final days before the Lord's return. We should recall Peter's words:
Most importantly, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 'Where is the promise of His coming?' they will ask. 'Ever since our fathers fell asleep, everything continues as it has from the beginning of creation.'
But they deliberately overlook the fact that long ago by God’s word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water, through which the world of that time perished in the flood.
And by that same word, the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire,
being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.
Why Am I Different to the World?
The ideological conflict discussed throughout this paper has pitted two contrasting world views against each other. Freedom vs. Control and, Life vs. Death. Since the Fall, the humanistic worldview has conspired to take power, but its efforts inevitably lead to destruction. In contrast a Christian world view is life giving. It celebrates life through redemption - both now and into eternity.
But we can only be redeemed through repentance True repentance is not simply a one off decision. Repentance continues as it transforms our minds and thinking into the likeness of Jesus. In his book 'Beheading Hydra - A Radical Plan for Christians in an Atheistic Age', Father Dwight Longenecker succinctly describes repentance and a change in world views from 'my way' to 'Thy way'. He goes on to say:
"The greek word for repentance is Metanoia which means changing one's mind. This sounds rather shallow like changing one's order at a restaurant. But the real meaning is much more powerful. It means a total, deep transformation of one's perspective. It means a completely different mindset and understanding of oneself and place in the world. It means looking toward heaven, instead of looking toward earth. It is shifting the energy and life to God's Kingdom. Repentance is not a once and done action. It is a continuing attitude and action. The Metanoia mentality is to be constantly aware of the need to turn away from me, myself and I, and to turn to God's way."
God's Way is outlined in the Bible. In contrast to the to the 7 Deadly Sins practiced by the world, God's Word provides 7 Christian Virtues as remedies. These virtues are synonymous with the Fruit of the Spirit. They mark the believer as different. As I pray for and practice these virtues in the strength of the Holy Spirit, then what I am to do and what I am think in relation to this fast-changing world will become increasingly clear.
What Am I to do?
As a man, I recognise that I often have a tendency to rush to solutions. While it is often wise to listen, this does not mean we should go to ground, play dead or take a que sera sera attitude. I will guard against the 'easy solution' of shutting up shop, running out the clock, and letting chips fall where they may. I will continue to worship the Lord, as worship is warfare.
Jesus commands us as his followers to occupy to He comes. - Luke 19:13. It is important that we are a faithful servant until the very last day that the Lord provides us. In my case occupying looks like this:
I have children and grandchildren. I need to train them well so they can also stand.
Instead of only criticising our politicians, I must put my hand up as well. I stood for the Australian senate.
I need to wisely prepare so I can be generous towards others. I will grow food to give it away to those in need.
I will guard against becoming an obsessed conspiracy theorist or an ignorant pawn. I will pick my battles.
I must value people above hard assets. Jesus died for people not real estate. Houses will burn.
I will be actively involved in like-minded churches and para-church ministries with my time and money.
I will seek to make disciples of other men. None of us are as strong as we think we are. We need each other.
I will pray the Scriptures. God's Word is the Sword of the Spirit - our only offensive weapon listed in Ephesians 6.
I will flee social insanity. Just as Lot fled Sodom, it is wise to flee cesspools of sin - or not even dwell there at all.
I will support other Christians who get married, stay married and have children. These are revolutionary acts which are necessary should the Lord tarry. While the world burns, we should prepare the next generation
"You at either out argue leftists or out breed them. The later is more effective and fun."
Mitch Daniels
But the results are up to God. I can't save the world. He already has. I will simultaneously rest in Him while doing what I can. There will be toil as we are still in harvest mode. The night is coming, but it is not here yet.
As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me.
Night is coming, when no one can work.
John 9:4
The Believer's Hope in the Coming Storm
A farmer can look out across his land and see menacing storm clouds forming on the horizon. When he does so he has a number of choices. Let me summarise those 3 options as follows:
He can return to his house and pretend he never saw the clouds. He can leave his stock and equipment in the field hoping this will just blow over. That approach won't end well for him, his harvest or his workers.
He can go around yelling 'the sky is falling'. He can perform a rain dance, hoping it will change the weather. Alternatively, he can indulge in 'conspiracy porn' as a short term sugar hit to distract from his mission as a Christian. Neither of these approaches are the fruit of the believer.
He can calmly prepare. Like Joseph he sets aside a portion of his 7 fat years harvest to prepare for 7 thin years. And as the winds pick up and the rain drops begin to splatter, his prayers should drive his heart closer to Christ.
Looking at the weather patterns of history, I can't deny a storm is coming. Yet as a response, I choose option 3. As Martin Luther wrote in his 16th century anthem.
"A Might Fortress is our God. A Bulwark never failing."
A bulwark is a fortified place. It is an extension of the ships sides above the deck to protect from the ferocity of the storm. But taking refuge is not a passive or soley defensive act. As David declared in Psalm 2:12, blessed are those who take refuge in Him. We don't seek Jesus for our mere survival. Taking refuge in God is a blessing. Our hope is not in our strength to outwit, outlast and outrun the storm. Our hope is in God's promises and in His strength. In that sense, taking refuge is a forward looking, optimistic and an act of advancement.
In fact, so comprehensive is God's victory that He describes His response to the conspiring elites as follows:
The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. He rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath, saying, “I have installed my king [Jesus] on Zion, my holy mountain.”
The non-believer may view this approach as 'a crutch' or weakness. But if that is the case, why are their hearts failing? Why is mental illness increasing exponentially? For me, as I am driven closer towards Christ as my refuge, I have never felt a greater calm or sense of peace. I know who is my Creator, my Redeemer, and my Returning Hope. That faith in Jesus' return is not blind. The Scriptures record signs and details for us to know. The study of that hope is called Eschatology.
Satan's Last Days
Despite warning of the falsehood that will deceive the nations, and giving us signs on the end times, Jesus does not tell us exactly when the world will end. In fact, He explicitly tells us that no one knows the day nor the hour when He will return. However, he does give some signs of His sure return. For millennia, Christians have debated the details. Sifting the speculation from known truths is hard and has become a bit of a parlour game in some circles. So I don’t hang my hat on the exact sequence of future events. But I do believe the end times we are witnessing are a time of great distress.
There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered.
Daniel 12:1
I acknowledge that a satanic spiritual shadow is currently sweeping the globe and there will be a distinct tribulation period at the end of this age as described in Revelation. This time will be marked by a falling-away, a great deception, and a final antichrist and beastly leadership system. Today’s black swan events feel very ‘tribulation-esque’ with giant holograms and UN apocalyptic statues. The language and goals of trans-humanism is a digital Tower of Babel. Nebuchadnezzar could have only dreamed of such a construction. The end times will be so intense that if Jesus did not return, there would be no life left of the earth - Matt 24:22. This is a sobering thought indeed.
Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him ...
Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs
and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.
2 Thessalonians 2:1-3
The Bible describes Satan as both a defeated enemy and a lion prowling around seeking whom he may devour. How can both of these be true? Satan was fatally wounded at the cross. As promised in Genesis, calvary was the moment when Jesus crushed his head. But a fatally wounded animal can be at its most ferocious and dangerous in the moments before its death. Satan knows his time is short. Revelation 12:12 God reveals these truths to us so that we may 'stand firm'. - 2 Thessalonians 2:15 As Christians, we are to take comfort and peace in knowing the Satan has been defeated, yet we are to put on the full armour of God knowing that the devil will lash out in these last days.
Furthermore, we must not let these trying times go to waste by just trying to 'survive'. When considering whether today’s events fore-shadow the tribulation we should ask ‘What is God trying to tell us’? Is He sending the world a message so that more people might come to repentance and thus heaven be a fuller place for eternity? How can we most effectively live for the Kingdom in the times that God has placed us? Who is open to hearing His message and call to repentance? As his followers, how can we most effectively spend our time if our remaining days on earth if they are to be short?
Hopeful Eschatology
Having let go of my identity as a citizen of this world (at best I am a temporary resident), I am now free to fully embrace my citizenship of heaven. My allegiance and hope is out of this world. I believe that I may experience the fulfilment of that citizenship any day - either by passing through death or through the Lord's return. The eschatology category I most closely align with is progressive dispensationalism. I believe that the Lord will ‘rapture’ His church, but I am not certain whether that will occur before, during or at the end of time of great tribulation. If someone tells you they know exactly how or when the Lord's return will occur, they are likely overplaying their hand. And we don't need to be dogmatic on end times sequences beyond what God has revealed in Scripture.
For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage one another with these words.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
There is a related element between one’s eschatology outlook and how they interpret the world changing directions. Pre-millennials tend to see a falling away as a precursor to the Lord’s return while post-millennials tend to see progress in the world as a precursor to the Lord’s return. I presume a-millenials would tend to fall somewhere in the middle in terms of an outlook. I listened to James White and Doug Wilson discuss how they converted from a premillennial to a post-millenial view and that provides them a more positive outlook regardless of the ups and downs of the world. I did appreciate their emphasis on the literal reality of Christ’s ultimate victory and salvation of the world having already been achieved. They correctly surmise that we need to regularly preach Christ’s conquering of all and all aspects of the world as a means for encouraging the saints. I actually believe most pre-millennials would agree with this outcome, but they see a different path before getting there.
Nevertheless, this optimistic view is valid and many pre-millennials would do well to regularly re-orient our outlook on worldly news in light of Jesus Christ’s sure and certain victory over all. We are on the winning side. Because of this, I will rejoice each day. And even if world events mean that I am martyred for my faith, I can and will continue to daily rejoice.
One thing I need to keep learning is to not relentlessly criticise the level of fear in the world, while simultaneously holding a similar level of fear about totalitarian government control. As much as I am sure persecution is coming and have devoted much of this paper to explaining that, my motive and conclusion must be driven by hope, freedom and peace in Jesus. He has already won. There is nothing the government can do to me which will take away my salvation in Him. In fact, the revelation He has left us only serves to strengthen my faith. The fact that He predicted all this and left us that message is further demonstration of His sovereignty and ultimate victory.
Prophecy poorly understood creates paralysis and cynicism.
Prophecy properly understood creates urgency and optimism.
Charlie Kirk
So daily I will encourage and uplift myself and others in this truth as an antidote to being overwhelmed by current events. I find my peace and hope in that God had shed his grace on me. It is only because of Jesus that I will stand in His presence. So I rejoice. Heaven and Jesus await!
Jesus' Sure Return
Hope without realism is delusion. Christians are not to be delusion. So why should we have joy and hope? The reason is because God's return for His people is real. Eternity and heaven are real - not just in a metaphorical or theology sense, but in a literal and tangible truth.
Churches need to return to preaching the a literal and expectant return or our Saviour, just like the 1st century disciples did. I recently finished The Benedict Option. It explores what it looks like to live life in exile, both from the world and from worldly churches. It focuses on living in a community of like minded believers who edify and encourage one another and so much more so as we see the day of the Lord appraoching.
Yet, I would be amiss if I did not conclude this paper on the sure hope of Jesus’ return. While I may come across as too cynical or negative, I don’t see it that way. We are called to watch. And while we watch, we also share the gospel. As Jude 17-23 says we are to persevere, longing to see others saved by snatching them from the fire. Watching and persevering means not only watching out for danger, but more importantly watching for the Lord's return and living in light of that return (persevering). I am praying for the Lord’s return. And return He will - maybe in my lifetime. On the one hand we cry ‘How Long will you wait O Lord? On the other hand, we may be the generation that sees His Kingdom come. We live in exciting and significant times. How blessed are we!
Our hope is to see Jesus Christ, not the anti-Christ.
Amir Tsifarti
Nearly 400 years ago, John Bunyan was a persecuted English Puritan. He was imprisoned for preaching the gospel without the proper licence (passport). While incarcerated, Bunyan wrote Pilgrim's Progress which succinctly expressed that this world is not our home. Christian’s citizenship is in heaven and we are just on a journey through this world. These increasingly difficult times feel like they are ‘the falling away’ before our Lord’s return. But may my response be for an increased longing for the Lord and His return. As the song says, This world is not my home, I’m just passing through.
Romans 12:2 tells us to not conform our minds to the patterns of this ‘woke world’ (just like the Corinthians and Colossians), but rather have our minds renewed in Christ Jesus. So to conclude, it is worth quoting the final 2 verses of Jude which provide us hope. The only hope of our salvation found in Jesus: