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Empires - An Autopsy on Freedom

Billy Joel - We Didn't Start the Fire (Official HD Video)
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Billy Joel - We Didn't Start the Fire (Official HD Video)

Billy Joel - We Didn't Start the Fire (Official HD Video)

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Why America’s Most Controversial Military Bases Exist

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History repeats itself - or more accurately it rhymes. The majority of history is characterised by manual labour and feudalistic survival. While modern (western) civilization may seem more advanced than it was thousands of years ago, human nature has not changed since Adam and Eve left the garden.  Empires, kingdoms and communities continue to rise and fall, built and destroyed by human hands.  Still, they have not yet achieved the global utopia of a world free from suffering. Some kings value freedom more than others, but the perfect kingdom has yet to arrive.

The oldest living empire today is Egypt. In archeology Egypt is known by its symbols of pyramids and phalanxes. In Scripture, Egypt is as a picture of the world and oppression. Genesis recounts how Abraham was lured to Egypt and how his decedents (Israel) set up home there, only to end up as slaves.  Despite its wealth, Egypt was a land of suffering and death. Egypt's pharaohs claimed to be 'gods' who enslaved the populace and socially engineered their society by feeding babies to crocodiles. Hence, the Bible describes empires that do not worship the true and living God as 'beasts'.

Exodus records how God brought His people out of Egyptian slavery and into His promised land.  But that freedom would not last forever. Soon northern Israel was conquered and exiled to a second empire - Assyria, and then a third empire, Babylon, arose. It captured the rest of Israel. While exiled in Babylon, the prophet Daniel received visions of the future. The first terrifying vision was of a statue representing four coming global and beastly empires.  They were:

Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome

Recorded history shows the rise and fall of these 4 empires.​ Daniel chapter 7 describes the Roman Empire as two legs of iron. When the Roman political empire fell - largely because of its own internal debauchery - it split into two spheres (East and West) and then into 10 kingdoms (horns). In the West, Europe entered a ‘Dark Age’ (500AD-1500AD) ruled largely by the Roman Catholic Church and its proxies. Meanwhile in the East, Islam emerged in 686AD to fill the void. Islamic caliphates ebbed and flowed into and out of Europe and Asia in an oscillating struggle of invasions and crusades.

In the 15th century, the printing press enabled mass communication and the age of modernity was born. Knowledge spread and spurred a series of religious and political revolutions. No longer was the narrative limited to an 'enlightened' ruling class. The common man could express questions, ideas, dreams and demand representation. Ideological and industrial revolutions were born. The Peace of Westphalia formed of many nation states and the colonial era began.


In 1776, the USA revolted from Britain like an arrogant 'little horn'. At the end of WW2, America dropped the nuclear bomb on civilians. This atomic event opened up a new dark chapter for the world. The US proceeded to establish a USD reserve system to subdue nations, ravish colonies and birth global bodies like the United Nations (UN). In 1948, the UN made a covenant to restore Israel. Today, 'national horns' are crumbling and the kings of the earth are increasingly ceding their power to this global beast that promises to unite all peoples and nations under a new world order. Revelation 17:13

The Great Reset articulates the transfer of power to this final empire. Today, the vestiges of the Roman empire are recasting themselves through 'decolonisation' and religious 'de-conversion' movements.  Through wokeness, the West (Iron) is conglomerating with an Islamic world order (Clay). Built on a shared retribution ideology of 'oppressors vs. oppressed', this alliance pursues a new 'equitable' deal to seize lands, redistribute assets and subdue humanity. 


More than previous empires, this beast will ruthlessly castrate (abuse) and depopulate (genocide) all who stand before it. Under the direction of global elites and the image they create, this beast will boast a mandate to reshape the world. Yet, it will be totally destroyed by Jesus Christ, but not before this world experiences a time of great tribulation that represents the fulness of its cup of sin. The rest of this book explores the birth and destruction of this final empire. 


To analyse how we got to today, let's look at how the modern West was born. While world empires have risen and fallen through conquest, they have often ebbed and flowed through moral and social revolutions. Revolutions profoundly change the fabric of a society and how it operates. While history is an overlapping and progressive continuum, for the sake of distinction, here is a summary of the revolutionary inflection points from over the last 500 years of modernity.  

IDEOLOGICAL REVOLUTIONS - typically defined by the search for truth (rules and authority) 

  1. 15th-16th Centuries:  The Renaissance led to religious reformation and new nation states

  2. 17th-18th Centuries:  The 'Enlightenment' led to scientific progress, global exploration and colonisation.

  3. 19th-20th Centuries:  Democratic representation led to freedom, prosperity, conflict and war.

  4. 21st Century...still unfolding… Postmodern thought and emerging identity theories led to 'deconstruction'

INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTIONS - typically defined by the source of energy and technology for economic production

  1. 1st Revolution - Pre 1750:  Manual labour using materials such as Bronze and Iron

  2. 2nd Revolution - 1750-1880: Steam powered machines accelerate production and transportation

  3. 3rd Revolution - 1880-Today:  Electricity/fuel brings power and travel to the masses

  4. 4th Revolution - Emerging:  Biotechnology mines the internet of bodies, augmenting life and data 



Alongside each revolutionary age, there are shorter generational cycles and patterns that can be observed.  In his book, the Fourth Turning, William Strauss surmises that history moves in cycles that mirror the length of a generational lifespan (e.g. 70-90 years).  Significant events book-end these cycles. 


The last 400 years of history have been well documented.  So we can quite clearly see how these cycles have manifest themselves in the growth of the Western world.  These cycles have spurred social changes in both the French Revolution and the formation of the United States of America.  The USA and Western civilization was born out of modern ideological and industrial revolutions.  At a high level, here is a generational view of the 5 generational cycles of America’s history.


  • Generation 1:  - 1620 - 1700 Religious Pilgrims Communities

  • Generation 2: - 1700 - Colonial Expansion (13 Colonies)

  • Generation 3 - 1776  Revolution War to 1860 US Civil War

  • Generation 4 - 1860 US Civil War - 1945 Victory in World War 2

  • Generation 5 - 1945 WW2 - The Present Day

Yet today, a strong sense permeates the air that the Western world order is ending.  It is more than the end of a cycle.  It is revolutionary both in terms of ideology and technology.  It feels like empires will soon be smashed to pieces and we are primed for a massive change. Consider the revolutionary deconstruction on the 4 pillars of Western Civilisation. 

  1. Cheap Energy Climate Sacrifices

  2. Rule of Law Defund the Police

  3. Meritocracy Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

  4. Freedom of Speech Censorship


For better or worse, the US emerged as the dominant power in the Western  world - largely because of its military and monetary system on which other nations are so dependent. But in this last generation, the US has undergone a cultural revolution of 'decadence'. The Baby Boomers threw off standards and landmarks, some of which had stood from the dawn of time. Corruption became normal and hypocrisy was justified. Since WW2, the US has replaced its mantra of 'One Nation Under God' with 'One Nation that Acts like God'.  Just like empires before it, the US replaced 'All men are created equal' with 'Might Makes Right'. While boomers were numbed by pleasure and consumerism, the following timeline shows how the decline of human value and the rise of genocide occurred within one American lifetime.

  • In the 1940's, the US won WW2 by nuking civilians and created institutions to police the world.

  • In the 1950’s , the US staged an Iranian coup to steal Middle Eastern oil and sowed seeds of terrorism

  • In the 1960’s the US manufactured the Gulf of Tonkin incident and bombed Vietnam/Cambodia killing millions.

  • In the 1970s, the US funded Afghan Mujahideen to weaken the Soviets and unpegged the USD from gold and oil.

  • In the 1980s, the US fuelled coups and warlords to institute regime change in Central and South America.  

  • In the 1990s, the US bombed Serbia and Africa, sanctioned 1//3 of nations, and expanded abortion globally.

  • In the 2000’s, the US concocted WMD lies to invade Iraq, take their oil and establish military bases. 

  • In the 2010’s, the US made gay marriage law and started coups in Libya and Ukraine to install puppet regimes.

  • In the 2020’s the US printed trillions of dollars to foster wars for commodities and spread LGBTQI ideology.

In the past, colonialism was done in the name of spreading Christianity. Today, US foreign policy is anti-Christian and spreads anti-human ideologies. The US army hoists the Pride flag above its 750 foreign embassies and military bases. Consequently, its army is failing and most Americans expect a new ‘civil war’.  At events, cries erupt of Let’s Go Brandon’ or 'Fuck Trump. No wonder assassinations, coups and resignations are increasing at home and aboard? Western corruption means the rest of the world views the US regime as a net negative as the faithful cry out 'How Long O Lord’?

While the US was born out of the Revolutionary War, on September 1st, 2022, President Joe Biden delivered a speech entitled Battle for the Soul of the Nation.  He called his own countrymen extremists and semi-fascists. Their crime? They oppose his policies of killing babies and redefining marriage. Well, there is indeed a battle for souls underway.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Ephesians 6:12


Meanwhile, Europe has undergone many revolutions.  The French Revolution was an attempt to replace religion with pure secularism. The German revolution to establish a 3rd Reich led to a 1940’s holocaust and WW2. The Russian Revolution replaced the Czar with an engineered marxist system.  Recently, the Queen of England passed away. During her reign she discuss the promise of technology, but also the pitfalls of abandoning the principles of the past.

Trouble is caused by unthinking people, who carelessly throw away ageless ideals as if they were old, outworn machinery. They would throw religion aside, morality in public and personal life made meaningless, honesty counted as foolishness, and self-interest set up in the place of self restraint.

Queen Elizabeth II

In many respects, the Queen was one of the final connections to a society and system which valued service and freedom. Now that she is gone, we are on the edge of an ideological revolution in which a new era will emerge. France and the UK are two of the ‘horns' spoken of by the OT Prophet Daniel. Nations that were colonised by these horns are now throwing off their shackles. They see the rotting fruit of western regimes and despise their abuse of power. The West has been eroded by decades of cultural decay pumped through its education and entertainment institutions.


In 2022,, Britain hosted the Commonwealth Games and included a worship ceremony to the pagan god Baal.  In 2024, Paris France hosted the Olympics and featured a drag queen blasphemy of the Lord's supper in the Opening Ceremony. In the most public ways, the West has rejected the Queen's warning and embraced paganism. Meanwhile eastern nations continue to abandon their colonial overlords and as they move towards a new global alliance. 

I don't know what will mark the final breath of Western civilisation, but I am convinced the conditions exist today for it to pass at any time. The West is irreconcilably divided and has eroded from within. Its demise is a tragedy, but it follows the pattern of history and prophecy. The elites know that the destruction of the past is necessary to form a new empire. 


As the saying goes, demography is destiny. China and India have the world's largest populations.  Along with Islamic nations, they have over half the world's population and growing. If they leverage their numbers, they will swiftly overtake and replace the West. The Global North (West or NATO aligned) and Global South (East or BRICS aligned) are largely displayed on this map. Daniel's vision in Chapter 11 covers the back and forth battles between two spheres (kingdoms). Today, as the globalised world bifurcates, the land of Israel again sits of the fault line between warring kingdoms.  

Ultimately, in Daniel's Vision all these kingdoms will be smashed by a Rock from Heaven. Christians believe this Rock is a metaphor for the King of Kings. The vision represents the return of Jesus Christ to end all earthly kingdoms and establish His eternal peaceful Kingdom.  The late Queen Elizabeth II believed this. I believe this also.  

At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Phillippians 2:10

Daniel's final vision in chapter 12 says that the final empire will be a time where knowledge and travel greatly increase. Despite these advancements, this final empire will be marked by the distress of nations.  This describes our world today.


In this book I will argue that the battle is not a choice between a good Western hemisphere or an evil Eastern hemisphere. Rather, while there are wars and rumours of wars between the West and East, both kingdoms oppress freedom worldwide. Before Jesus' return, it is possible that a powerful Eastern empire arises to impose a A.I. system on everyone. It is also possible that the West prevails over the East and implements the same system.  

But what I see as most probable is the Woke/Humanist West and Islamic/Communist East aligning under universal digital surveillance regime. This totalitarian empire will be the new and final Babylon, built on an ecumenical humanistic religious philosophy. It matters little whether central command is in New York, Beijing, Brussels, Davos, Abu Dhabi or D.C. Besides, whichever city dominates, they could easily set up operations historic Jerusalem which straddles East and West. Ultimately, Jesus will return and He will reign from the Holy City - the New Jerusalem.  Jesus will be miraculously victorious - not through a zionist crusade or resistance movement - but through the power of His Breath. The Rock is coming and every knee will bow.

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