The Covid Experience

The Cranberries - Zombie (Lyric Video)

Pfizer Engineering Wuhan Virus Mutations? | Claim Goes Viral | Vantage with Palki Sharma


Stefan Oelrich (Bayer): mRNA vaccines are Gene Therapy
Pandemic Numbers
The detail in this chapter is largely recorded so that we will never forget how the world changed in 2020. If we fail to remember, then the absurdities will return and become normalised - justified by the next 'crisis'.
When COVID first made headlines in early 2020, I took the warnings at face value. We all needed to take drastic action for 2 weeks in order to flatten the curve. I stayed at home. But then the goalposts kept moving, the narrative kept changing and the power kept centralising. So, two years into the global COVID pandemic and official statistics do not justify the totalitarian response the world continues to experience.
The pandemic models were not supported by math. For example, in March 2020 London's Imperial College predicted that if Sweden did not go into lockdown, 80,000 people would die by May 2020. Sweden did not go into lockdown and only 6,000 people died. Sweden fared better than Australia. Modelling overestimated the virus’ impact by a factor of 15. At this point, I realised we were being played. At the time, I did not have proof we were being lied too, but my 'bullshit detector' was going off. The 'crisis subterfuge' was compounded by overcounting COVID deaths. If someone tests positive for COVID, but dies of another cause, they were counted as a 'COVID Death'.
For a moment, compare Australian deaths from COVID vs. flu. In 2019 Australia had 800+ deaths due to regular Influenza. In 2020 with no vaccine, we had 909 COVID deaths. COVID must be put into perspective. The Spanish Flu killed nearly 10 times as many as COVID over the same timeframe. On a per capita basis, the Spanish Flu had a death rate that was 40 times worse than COVID-19. COVID is not the Black Death. It never was.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics said COVID was only our 38th biggest killer and 92% of deaths had underlying pre-existing health condition. The low death rate questions whether COVID really met pandemic levels and whether lockdowns were justified. Malnutrition will cause someone to lose weight, but it doesn't make it the right course of action. What lockdowns do necessitate is a police state, with elites are free from accountability.
The fear promoted by our media and politicians is stark for its lack of perspective. The media reported daily case numbers with breathless excitement. The Omicron effects are less than the seasonal flu and similar to a cold. 84% of people testing positive for the Omicron variant are asymptomatic. For sure, there are age groups who should take higher levels of pre-cautions. The average age of COVID deaths in Australia is 83. That is not my situation. Yet, against all scientific evidence we locked everyone down.
Statistical inflation is dishonest. The more official statistics are reviewed, the more we see the scale of the deception. The CDC reduced COVID death numbers by 72,000. Did they just un-die or were the numbers never true? Why is the media now silent about the lies they spread for years. What as the real motive for manipulating the numbers?
Covid Vaccine Questions
I am not an anti-vaxxer. I have the traditional Influenza vaccination annually. I have travelled to 29 foreign countries, many of which required multiple vaccines for entry. I have likely had more vaccines than the average Australian. Yet, all the vaccines I have taken were tested over time. I had confidence I would not become a ‘zombie’. The narrative the media and government spread was that if you hesitate about mRNA vaccines, then you're an ignorant and selfish anti-vaxxer. Narrative matters. It especially matters if the narrative is wrong. The main hesitations I have are what are the long term medical and political implications of taking it. From a medical perspective, here are my 3 big questions:
Question 1. What Are The Long Term Side-Effects?
There is no long term data on mRNA vaccines impacts - particularly on fertility. GPs are no longer held to the Hippocratic Oath, and a doctor told me that modified DNA can travel to the heart, testes and ovaries. Peer reviewed studies published in Andrology confirms decreases in sperm concentration after mRNA injections. The National Institute of Health is exploring the links between Covid vaccines and heavy menstrual periods. This study should have been done prior to a globally mandated vaccine rollout. On September 27th 2022, the NIH study was finally released and it confirms my suspicions. We should never have trusted Big Pharma when doctors and nurses who lost their jobs for speaking out? Each dose may only reduce conception by several percent, but what about after the 5th booster? Could mass sterilisation be possible?
Do boosters weaken our natural immune system? We are literally talking about the future of humanity, yet we are injecting the young and infants. The BBC reports a spike in stillbirths since the vaccine roll out and the ABS is reporting a 67% reduction in Australia's birth rate and a 13% increase in excesses deaths. Fertility is falling, 75% of the world is below fertility replacement. Deaths are also rising and demography is destiny. We seem to be heading towards a childless world. It would be irresponsible to not ask this question particularly when we are facing a depopulation bomb
Question 2. How were the Vaccines Developed?
The way a vaccine is developed is important. Pfizer and Moderna vaccines use a mRNA platform. My concern is mRNA injections do not provide delivery visibility, nor how gene modification may cause unexpected, ongoing replication. mRNA vaccines are synthetic biology and Australia is building its own mRNA manufacturing facility. The UNSW says mRNA contents (genetic instructions) can be quickly altered in a lab to deal with future variants. Astra Zeneca uses a slightly different delivery method called viral vector, but it has blood clotting concerns. I prefer traditional vaccine development methods. Novavax is a nano-particle vaccine which uses a complete spike protein developed from moths and tree bark. For me, Novavax is the least concerning COVID vaccine, but its rollout was repeatedly delayed in Australia.
Question 3. What Are Their Contents?
I’m cautious about what is injected into my bloodstream. I've read the ingredients list of all the COVID vaccines. The National Institute of Health is excited about graphene oxide prospects in future vaccines. Graphene has amazing electro-magnetic properties. Manufacturers deny graphene particles are in their available vaccines. There is no mention of boosters or adjustments for future variants. China has registered a patent for a recombinant vaccine taking graphene oxide as carrier. If graphene is added to future mRNA boosters, as the WEF advocates, what will it enable? Will the instructions or ingredients quietly change? Even the British Medical Journal has highlighted serious deficiencies in the testing data for mRNA vaccines. Let's remember what the WEF has already said about mRNA injections.
I don’t trust Pfizer. They have history of fraud, manipulation, changing the ‘rules’, sponsoring the media, and testing luciferase. They undermine other vaccines and buy up blood therapeutic companies all driven by money. Why Pfizer won’t release their trial safety data for 55 years? The British Medical Journal resported a Pfizer whistlerblower exposing their lax testing methods. Pfizer's vaccine has nowhere near the effectiveness of AstraZeneca. The Pfizer’s CEO even admitted that two doses of their vaccines don’t protect against Omicron, but he insists we keep taking their boosters. Despite their denials, studies show that mRNA can convert to DNA. Pfizer promote 'directed evolution'. This is gene therapy by modern witchdoctors in white lab coats. The WEF promotes gene therapy, DNA editing, and wearable technologies. Yet, our governments granted Pfizer legal immunity should the vaccinated experience adverse effects? Consider these quotes by Pharmaceutical executives:
“One of the things we're exploring is like, why don't we just mutate it [COVID] ourselves so we could create -- preemptively develop new vaccines, right? [link] “I hope we don’t find out that somehow this mRNA lingers in the body and like -- because it has to be affecting something hormonal to impact menstrual cycles.” [link]
Jordan Tristan Walker - Director of Research Pfizer
"...the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell & gene therapy... If we had surveyed... Would you be willing to take gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body... We would probably have had a 95% refusal rate."
Stefan Oelrich - Head of Bayer
Wisdom in Cautiousness
There is wisdom in being cautious. All the Covid vaccines for use in Australia only have provisional approval for emergency use. Yet they were mandated! Manufacturing a heightened urgency is a con-man tactic. I won’t be rushed, intimidated or shamed. I want to be at the end of the queue. The Australian Immunology Handbook said “vaccines must be given voluntarily in the absence of undue pressure, coercion or manipulation”. But our politicians used double-speak. They consistently misled us and bullied and abused the hesitant. That should be a big red flag.
None of us would write a blank cheque, so why did we allow 'health orders' to make discrimination legal and force workplaces to fire employees who didn't take the new injection? The level of pressure and threats applied increased my hesitancy. I am not anti-vax. I am pro-freedom. I will defend anyone's right to take the vaccine. If the pro-vaccine movement didn't bully the hesitant, more would have likely taken it up willingly after observing its impact. I analysed the John Hopkins Covid Map of cases and deaths globally. Vaccine effectiveness was extremely short-lived at best.
I do not believe the COVID vaccine is the mark of the beast. However, when the vaccines were first announced, I realised they were new and developed so quickly. I was not convinced they were as safe and effective as the elites proclaimed. In light of the frenetic times, my adoption on most new technology remains hesitant. Wisdom has also taught me that if I feel rushed or manipulated, my answer should be an automatic 'No'. So I made and fulfilled vow to God to not take a new vaccine until the end of 2021. This position came from a prudent conservative mindset.
Over that 12 months of waiting, I was treated as a pariah and modern day leper. Yet, I determined that my decision would be made by observing vaccination effects on people whom I personally knew rather than media or 3rd party reports. The TGA’s Database statistics show there are more adverse reactions than the media reported. The heart condition side effects of myocarditis caused me to rule out mRNA shots. Florida's Surgeon General has confirmed mRNA vaccines resulted in an 84% increase in cardiac deaths. The number of people dying suddenly is concerning.
I waited for Novavax in 2022 to get my 'vaccination schedule'. I didn't want it, but it was required for my work. Knowing what I know now, I regret that. I remain cautious and feel worn down by the manipulation. I am uncomfortable with the data. I felt like we were being primed and conditioned for the future - led by the nose to something more sinister down the track. Now that the evidence is coming out, the state of Kansas is suing Pfizer.
Why is it anathema to ask questions about the COVID vaccine? Questions I ponder are:
What is the role of COVID, the vaccine/passport within the bigger ‘Reset’ picture?
Why was the US government funding 'gain of function lab research' in Wuhan where the leak originated?
Is God sending a message with COVID, or is our insane reaction God’s judgement?
Lies are generally told to cover things up. What are these daisy chain of lies trying to cover up?
I desire to hear balanced discussion on this topic. Instead questions are censored. Again, that censorship only serves to increase my hesitancy. As more time goes by, the hysterical COVID doomsayers are proven to be wrong. Those who continue to peddle the COVID fear-mongering and even those who defend them, are continuing to lose their credibility.
Shifting Narratives
The ground continues to shift. From 2 weeks to flatten the curve, to herd immunity, to 70%, then 80%, then 90% then 95% and then to vaccinate absolutely everyone - men, women and children of all ages. The goalposts kept changing. Despite the data, we were told booster were always going to be required. Even today we are told to get 'boosted' every few months. During the peak insanity, Victoria declared vaccine passports will expire every few months unless get up to date with a booster. Anyone who does not comply must be identified, penalised and locked out of society.
As dystopian as it sounds, the vaccine push was built on the false narrative that the unvaccinated caused the pandemic to grow. We locked up just the unvaccinated and deported people for ‘wrong-think’. The unvaccinated were threatened with fines and penalised in hospital. Yet, the research and data is clear. Even early on, the UK’s Public Health - England (pg 35) concluded the vaccinated were as infectious as the unvaccinated. At the same time, the UK Health Secretary was texting 'When do we deploy the next variant, to scare the pants off people?' This topic of truth and rational analysis is important. If the community can be convinced that the unvaccinated are a threat to public safety, then it justifies all sorts of discriminatory actions against the unvaxxed, or whomever is deemed a 'threat'.
“If I can get you to believe absurdities, I can get you to commit atrocities”
Because absurdities are increasing, I am wary my personal data being public and identifiable. Forcing the unvaccinated to dox themselves by wearing some mark or mask is a bad precedent. Such ideas are absurd and are tear the fabric of society apart. This divisive ideology marginalised social groups in the same way that racial minority groups have been marginalised throughout history. Of course lies, bump up against reality. There were COVID outbreaks at fully vaccinated nightclubs, on fully vaccinated ships, the fully vaccinated Antarctic Research Station and even in the long-term dead.
Now, a few years after mandates, Pfizer has confessed that they did not know whether it prevented transmission before it was rolled out. Clearly it didn't work, but we locked down and demonised the non-vaxxed for a massive global lie. The Pentagon has now confessed they spread misinformation about vaccine effectiveness. Yet, most politicians still pretend they never said what they actually said. Anthony Fauci admits vaccines don't work overly well, while Dr Deborah Birx has even confessed that she knew the vaccines would not stop the spread of the virus. Dr Robert Malone, who invented the mRNA vaccines, has now said that these vaccines are unsafe for all age groups. Kerryn Phelps, the former head of the Australian Medical Association, has finally come out and admitted doctors were censored and that she suffered vaccine injuries. The truth is emerging on face masks too, yet people refuse to repent and choose to live in delusion.
The majority of Australians now regret getting the vaccine. In response, some 'elites' are asking for a pandemic amnesty, but not for forgiveness. I will never trust our government or any institution ever again. They used the term 'science' as a cloak to steal power and force us all to Live By Lies. There is another 'science scam' out there and it rhymes with 'climate crisis'. And have you heard the one about how a boy can become a girl just by 'wishful thinking'? But I'm getting ahead of myself. For now, let's recall the lockdowns and mandates.
Political Lockdowns and Mandates
The vaccine was more than a medical decision. There were political implications - enacted not through legislation, but through unilateral decrees made by corrupt politicians and elite bureaucrats. Our 'leaders' divided society into 'essential' and 'non-essential workers'. Elites were allowed to work from home, while the working class were not.
Segregation and bullying continued for 12 months. The drumbeat pumped into our culture was If you are unvaccinated, you are no longer a decent member of society. Both the Australian and US governments declared COVID as a ‘Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’. Being fully vaccinated joins other ‘woke-approved’ positions on which to 'virtue signal'. We were gas-lit to believe the un-vaccinated transmitted the virus in larger loads than the vaccinated while the elites censored that natural immunity is 6x stronger than vaccination.
In NSW, Premier Gladys Berejiklian said ‘I would not like to be in the same room as the unvaccinated’. She declared 'Life for the unvaccinated will become very difficult’. ‘Freedoms’ would only return as privileges for the double vaccinated. Is it any surprise that she had to resign because she was corrupt? Similarly, the NSW Health Minister, Brad Hazzard told the public to avoid the unvaccinated calling them 'selfish and dangerous'. He extended the ban on the unvaccinated from being out in public or having visitors to their home. In QLD, the Premier released ads saying, ‘No Jab, No Fun’. The Victorian Premier passed legislation to enshrine his sole right to lock down parts of society indefinitely. The NT sent entire communities with zero cases into lockdown and quarantine. All states created mandatory databases to record everyone's test results despite admitting RATs are not effective.
State governments issued Public Health Orders (PHOs) to most industries. PHOs mandated that all employees and ‘contractors’ provide proof of vaccination or be sacked or banned. Schools like Moriah College declared all school children and their extended households (parents and grandparents) must provide proof of full vaccination before children will be allowed to return to school. Victoria pushed ‘secret vax dates’ to 12 year olds and instructing physicians to vaccinate children against their parents wishes.
Federally, the government detained people for ‘wrong-think’ and put people in 'digital prison'. It used god-like powers to deport the world's number 1 tennis player Novak Djokervic, despite him winning his legal court case. The prime minister, Scott Morrison, declared the world's #1 tennis player to be of 'bad character'. The government's real motivation was to send a threatening message to all Australians who oppose their 'unilateral public health orders'. Yet simultaneously, the PM was trashing Australia's Westminster system by secretly swearing himself into 5 cabinet positions without telling anyone. He centralised power in himself so he could make WEF aligned decisions. As it has been wisely said,
‘Power corrupts, and Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely’.
"Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which safeguards and liberty have been eroded. My calculus is that our government and its new found love for emergency powers and mandates are the real threat. Their trial of facial recognition tracking apps to police compliance is concerning. Should the World Health Organisation (WHO) have 'treaty' powers to mandate mRNA vaccines for future outbreaks? The WHO laments that the world has reduced its surveillance programs and is demanding that nations return to mandates. This is the same WHO that has appointed a gender-fucking theorist to their trans-gender health board. Remember, when they say 'trust the experts', these are the people they are talking about. And with perverted authoritarians like the WHO in mind, let's never forget the...
"Ten debunked myths pushed by the COVID experts"
COVID over-reactions caused a seismic shift towards the surveillance of 'approved thought'. Western leaders have discovered 'absolute power' and it motivates them. Under the guidance of the WHO, unprecedented mandates were promoted in unison and justified globally. I have come to the belief that the COVID experience was a trial run to prepare the world for 'totalitarian responses' to a future 'disease x' pandemic or other global crisis. The WEF role-played the global pandemic in 2019, and they are currently role-playing a global cyber-attack. Hollywood is promoting a similar narrative with movies like 'Leave the World Behind'. So the question now is 'What does the next phase of our new dystopia look like?'