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The Gates of Hell

R.E.M. - Losing My Religion (Official HD Music Video)
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R.E.M. - Losing My Religion (Official HD Music Video)

R.E.M. - Losing My Religion (Official HD Music Video)

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Introducing Christianity Lite!

Introducing Christianity Lite!

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Like Dead Flies on a Window Sill | Doug Wilson

Like Dead Flies on a Window Sill | Doug Wilson

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Why Governments Fear Religion - Where Does Morality Come From?

Why Governments Fear Religion - Where Does Morality Come From?

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Australia's Dramatic Shift

Australia was not founded as an equal society. The first European settlers were either convicts within a penal colony or the prison officers who policed the convicts.  While the convicts may have possessed a bent towards resisting government control, the prison officers possessed a bent towards harshly enforcing compliance without compassion. Decedents of those two groups still form part of Australian society today.

In 1901 Australia inherited a law-based system. The Federation reflected a culture built on a shared belief in Biblical principles - at the time known as ‘western values’.  As John Anderson points out, the young nation of Australia affirmed its belief in freedom by defending its values in WW1 on the shores of Gallipoli. The majority valued freedom, that was reflected in social culture and laws. Australia's representative Westminster system reflected a belief that every voice mattered and needed to be heard - regardless of skin colour

In the last 50 years, Australia increasingly became multi-cultural. While immigration has many benefits, this change also coincided with a diluting of shared Christian values. Now, public schools are teaching children to worship the land as god.  Meanwhile, public events like DarkMofo include burning rituals to idols of stone and wood. Alongside socialism, the gods of Baal, Ashtaroth and Molech are returning with vengeance in the West. With the emergence of wokeism, Molech is having his most productive season in human history. The gods of earlier empires have returned and they are 7 time stronger - Matthew 12:45. It is the same demon, but a different dynasty. Mark Driscoll calls this pattern, New Days, Old Demons.

Alongside the erosion of public Christianity, the culture of personal freedom and liberty receded in favour of shifting ideas around 'collective good'.  Australia may be a few years behind the US in its cultural destruction, but it is a few years ahead in becoming a police state. So long as people play along with the narrative, you won't be punished. Push back against it, and digital prison is very effective. 

Political Corruption
When the COVID Delta variant arrived in Australia, a seminal moment in our woke revolution was born. Those who were not rushing to get the mRNA COVID vaccines quickly became the designated pariah group. The media held them up as targets and lightning rods for the nation's travails. BLM solidarity protests were allowed to proceed with official blessings during lockdowns without fines or arrests, yet, freedom protestors demonstrating during the same lockdown were tear gassed, shot with rubber bullets and arrested. The same health orders were defied, but the law was not applied equally. 
Throughout history, totalitarian leaders ensure their voice is heard daily so that people won't think for themselves.  During lockdown, our politicians transfixed the populace to their daily broadcasts. While dangling freedom as a moving carrot, the NSW Premier urged people to discriminate. The old racism was hating people because of the way they looked. The new racism is hating people for the way they think (ideology).  If racism is wicked and evil - and it is - then so is this new racism. My worldview does not see these politicians as 'good'.​

I went to two freedom rallies. They were peaceful with many young children. In contrast to the BLM riots, no fires were started or property destroyed. The rallies even opened with the Lord's Prayer.  Yet the media parroted a false narrative and numbers to mislead the public. Why the inconsistent and dishonest approach? It is about one word - ‘Ideology’.​

But society's new 'caste system' was more than a COVID dispensation. Legislation protecting minority groups from discrimination has been passed for all - except the religious. If you hold certain views, you will lose your job. The Israel Folau saga made that clear. Activists want to sack NRL players who won't wear 'pride jerseys'. And if you want to be the CEO of a football club, or run for office, you must deny your Christ and bow the knee to the world's ideology (idolatry).  

Conversely, if you want to keep your freedom and wealth, just signal 'woke virtue'. Companies no longer make employment decisions based on merit. Instead they use discriminatory polices such as 'diversity hiring' and equity layoffs'.  In another case of mass psychosis, the community adopted Stockholm Syndrome, believing the new social order to be ‘good’, while the values of the past were ‘evil’. 

Our government authorise near-unlimited genocide on babies through abortion on demand. They have made it a crime to pray with homosexuals about their struggles. The government restricted freedom of movement including banning its citizens from leaving or entering the country while forcing industries to fire workers who don't tow the ideological line. Both major political parties and too many politicians have regularly been found guilty of corruption and branch stacking to undermine representative voices.  This destroyed the fabric of society. Now, Victorian police identify as trans-gender because the government will pay them to do so. 

Even though I was born in Australia, I do not identify as a modern Australian. Why would anyone defend their national leaders when those leaders no longer consider the their countrymen as citizens?  If a foreign power were to invade Australia, I would defend my family, but I would not defend this land. ' A recent poll showed the majority feel the same way and would flee before fighting. I feel no patriotism to a country that tramples on our historical values. ​I’m convinced that if recent events had occurred in the 1770’s, the ‘tea’ would already be at the bottom of Boston’s harbour and the guillotines would be rolling in the streets of Paris.  If our ANZAC diggers were here today, they would rise up against Western tyranny which is indistguishable from tyranny in the east.. Resistance and disobedience is not something to be entered into lightly, but these are the times we now live in.

"Give me liberty or give me death"

Patrick Henry

Politically, I take a high view of local representative governments and a low view of the modern two-party political system. The former cares for people and the later exists for itself. Ultimately, a society operating by Christian values will have 'old men who plant trees whose shade they will never rest in'.  Sadly, our society has failed and is represented by old men who steal from their children’s future to feed their immediate desires.  And so now the new generation is so jaded, that their view is 'burn the whole system down and start again'. And the 'burning event' is on the horizon.

Spiritual Coercion and False Prophets

Sadly, political and social culture infects all aspects of life including ‘church life’.  Some Christians in their eagerness to see others to get vaccinated erred into bullying, manipulation and bad theologySamuel Sey asks to be convinced, not coerced. Yet, many equated non-vaccination with sin, and twisted the Bible to create a new synchronistic religion. I had ‘christian friends’ cut me off because I don’t have vaccine enthusiasm. (spoiler alert: they we never real friends).

The US Vice President Kamala Harris said Christians have an obligation to take the vaccine under the biblical mandate of ‘love your neighbour’. That argument is theologically wrong, logically inconsistent and spiritual manipulation. Harris said she would not take a vaccine if Trump asked her too. Such opportunism exposed the narrative as unscientific.

A few churches meekly raised concerns, but most practised discrimination including banning the unvaxxed from attending or serving. The 'best' churches were silent out of fear of appearing 'political'. But many parroted lies from the pulpit and they have not apologised for their error. They were possessed by a longing for 'man's approval' which confused their feelings and 'stated compassion' with discernment and a wise response. In Doug Wilson's words, church leaders have become Like Dead Flies on a Window Sill.​ I forgive, but still distrust those church leaders who demonised the 'unvaccinated' and divided God's church.

"The problem isn't that Johnny can't read. The problem isn't even that Johnny can't think.

The problem is that Johnny doesn't know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling."

Thomas Sowell

If I did not know Jesus personally, I would never darken a church door again. If my church becomes a virtue-signalling inquisition, then I'll find a new fellowship. I don't like COVID pharisees and I can't cheerfully give my time or money to such a congregation. True friends do not manipulate friends or segregate God’s people even temporarily. Consider this:

  • How were the unvaccinated ever a threat to the vaccinated?  It is not the government's job to protect me from me

  • How could a faithful believer deny entry to Jesus' church to someone who is not vaccinated?  There is no place for me at such a church.  I follow Jesus directly and do not identify with any single church, church minister or denomination.

Something devilish has crept into denominations and most Christians are dangerously naive. Churches should not spread lies of any type - including the COVID or 'preferred pronoun' varieties. Churches are blatantly promoting other 'progressive' foolishness such as DEI and Pride. The LGBTQI+ rainbow ideology (of which 30% of Generation Z Christians now identify) has infected church thought and the consequences for society and nations are immense.


Consequently, I take a high view of the Word of God and low view of Christian institutions and denominations. At Oxford University, Calvin Robertson faithfully called out spineless and heretical church leaders. Such boldness is rare today. 

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

C.S. Lewis  - ‘God in the Dock: Essays on Theology (Making of Modern Theology). 

In the name of 'evangelism' and 'church growth', the western church has bowed the knee to be accepted by the secular world by seeking to find common ground. Having a form of godliness, they deny its real transformation power. This has resulted in them advocating for culturally accepted narratives like climate change, while remaining silent on issues. deemed unacceptable by the world. A few poignant examples of the churches silence on big cultural elephants are:

  • If the murder of George Floyd was wrong, and it was; then how much worse is murdering millions of babies annually?

  • If the sexual abuse of children is vile, and it is; then how much more vile is cutting off the genitals of children?

  • If a marriage breakdown is tragic, and it is; then how much more tragic is the breakdown of the definition of marriage?

If the church can be vocal about the former, but remain silent about the later; they diminish their credibility on ‘justice’ and ‘morality’. They sacrifice faithfulness in the name of 'evangelism', and in the end achieve neither. The world does not respect a timid or pandering church. Church denominations will continue to decline - both numerically and financially.  

Silence in the face of evil, is evil itself

Eric Metaxsas

In a world where brand-focused churches and program-driven approaches are prevalent, it's important for disciples to seek a robust worldview through solid podcasters and 1:1 real relationships. While God has promised to preserve a faithful remnant, it won't be defined by a label or a denomination. The faithful remnant will stand out against unfaithful spiritual coercion, and the Gates of Hell will not prevail.

Authority to Resist

None of what I say means I don’t trust God. Trusting God doesn’t require obeying Caesar’s every decree. The Apostle Paul did not obey all of Caesar's commands and neither did the Romans to whom chapter 13 was written. Jesus said ‘Render under Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God, that which is God’s’. In context that means taxes belong to Caesar and the gathering of God's people belongs to God. It is wrong to render to Caesar, what belongs to God; and the gathering of God’s people belongs solely to God. That is why 1st century believers continued to meet in secret


If God is not above government, then government has become God. 

 Francis Schaffer

God’s people must be clear on what faithfulness looks like. If we let governments decide who can come to church or who can work, then we have outsourced to the state, what belongs to God. To argue that these mandates were only temporary is to ignore that Daniel’s situation was only temporarily (30 day ban from praying). What is temporary today, will become permanent tomorrow. The Ezekiel Declaration asked the government to not mandate digital passports for church attendance. Inexplicably some ‘Christian leaders’ came out against the declaration because they don’t like its tone and urged believers not to sign it. In contrast, I agree with the substance of the declaration and I cheerfully signed it.

The authority for believer's gathering belong to God. Faithful 1st century Christians (to whom Romans 13 was written) chose to defy Caesar's orders. They civilly disobeyed, gathering in catacombs.  Many chose the Coliseum lions rather than cede God's authority to a state which had exceeded its authority. How many churches today prepared to be similarly faithful? No wonder church affiliation is plummeting. But church affiliation and faithfulness to Christ are different things. In the end, the final antichrist beast will arise when the restrainer, the Holy Spirit, is removed. The church is the earthly embodiment of the Holy Spirit, and by its unfaithfulness, has removed itself from having any influence on society.


but he [the antichrist] will not come until the one [Holy Spirit] who is holding him back steps out of the way.

2 Thessalonians 5:7b

I have zero sympathy for churches in financial difficulty if they failed to defend their own members who were sacked due to mandates. I oppose churches that promote the lies of 'preferred pronouns'.  God honoured Daniel when he defied the evil decrees. That same God honoured Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego for His glory. That same God rules today.

The Anti-Genesis

The western church has failed to preach basic Biblical truth - even to the 'choir'.  Starting with the very first chapter of the Bible, churches have compromised and their 'flock have forgotten and now denied their origins and their Creator.  


They deliberately forget that God made the heavens long ago by the word of his command, and he brought the earth out from the water and surrounded it with water.

2 Peter 3:5

This falling away is tragic.  The early chapters of Genesis are applicable to making sense of our world. I'm delighted that Martin Iles, the former MD of the Australian Christian Lobby is now the CEO of Answers in Genesis. His mission is to call the Australian church back to a Biblical position on Genesis and the positions it teaches.  


By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command,

so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. 

Hebrews 11:3

Like a bookend, this world is almost the exact opposite (counterfeit) of the Genesis creation account. Patterns are important in Scripture. It seems the End of the World will be a mirror reverse image of God's good design. The devil is systematically counterfeiting everything beautiful that God created and his goal is for us to reject God.  Let's be honest: Evolution and Creation are not compatible. Evolution taken to its logical conclusion leads to death.  Perversely, death is considered progress as it is the mechanism of 'survival of the fittest'. It is this logic which pu de-industrialisation and de-population.  The following chart compares God’s created order and our current culture.


Human Dignity (Image of God)

New Life (reproduction, birth)

Male and Female

Marriage - 1 man and 1 woman

Dominion, Production, Creator worship

Work is God Ordained

Sabbath Rest

Gathering His People for Communion

Sin leads to Mortality

Repentence leads to life

Jesus Christ

forgiveness, redemption, freedom, meaning

Heavenly Father


You are a number (meat puppet)

Death (abortion, de-population)

Gender Confusion

Divorce, Gay Marriage, LGBTQI+

Shutdowns, Reduction, Climate worship

Work is Meaningless

24/7 Constant Stimulation

Scattering People (selfishness)

Science Leads to Immortality (you wont' die)

Virtue Signalling leads to Celebrity


(cancelling, bans, lockdown, pointlessness)

Mother Nature

I use the above table as a reference point to see where the ‘prince of this world’ is heading. On the positive side, I also use God’s creation system as a reference point as to what I should be pursuing.  Following God's design puts our body and soul in alignment with our Creator and creation. But for this context, we know the devil will further attack the system that God established with ever increasing intensity. In the big picture, it will be these topics on which future battles are fought. 

The Anti-Exodus - Beastly Empires

But the spiritual battle is not limited to Genesis. The devil is also attacking Exodus.  Exodus is the account of God calling His people out of slavery. In his work, The Magna Carta of Humanity, Os Guinness explores how Exodus was God's story of bringing His people out of slavery, chaos and fear and into freedom, order and rest.  And as Christians, we believe Exodus was a foreshadowing of our rescue in Jesus and the freedom, order and rest we find in following Him.

Today's revolutionary moment is also an anti-Exodus movement. The new world order seeks to call the world back into slavery. Modern wannabe Pharaohs continue to pursue totalitarian control over people. In Exodus, God provided his people with a new way of living - out from under the thumb of slavery so that they might worship Him.  God gave His people stone tablets containing 10 Commandments. Typically, Satan has a counterfeit.  This spirit of the Age of Reason has even chiselled its own version of '10 Climate Commandments'. They even held a repentance ceremony atop of Mt. Sinai. At every point, the devil's work is the polar opposite of God's work. The devil wants to return the world to Egypt, and he is using power hungry leaders to re-enslave people.

Satan's aim has always been to attack God's people. Egypt was the original beastly empire that enslaved the Jews.  Since then both the Bible and history have prophesied and documented subsequent empires that have followed the same playbook. The pattern of Exodus continues today with Psalm 2 describing nations conspiring to attack the Lord's anointed. For the last 2,000 years, Christians believe that 'God's people' have expanded to include the grafted in gentile church. Therefore, the church recognises that, like Israel, the world will oppose us and we will struggle for the freedom to worship the Lord, while resisting the worldly system that demands allegiance.

While Egypt was the world's first beastly empire, the Bible predicts a final global empire - containing Iron and Clay - which will unite to attempt to rule the world. We are seeing that Iron and Clay empire emerge today. The Great Reset is a manual for the transition to that empire. Increasingly, we are witnessing an unholy alliance form between western wokeism and universal Islam. Their shared ideology justifies ruthless surveillance and action to identify and punish God's people.  The scale and intensity of this end times empire will be immense. 

For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them,

as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.

1 Thessalonians 5:3

The infrastructure of this end times empire is being prepared now. The control mechanisms for this empire are the fields of technology, finance, media and religion. To ensure every man - great and small - comes under its authority, a digital ID will be required. Like the vaccine, it will be mandated. Refusal to accept this mark will mean you will be unable to buy or sell.

Digital IDs and Passports

The rise of the COVID surveillance state should cause us to ask 'what else could this universal, ubiquitous passport be used for beyond tracking vaccination status?' Government QR Code check-ins have already been required to attend church.  NSW police have used QR check-in data for non-Covid purposes and the data has been leaked. Australia's Surveillance Legislation (Identify and Disrupt) Bill gives police broad powers to take-over online accounts, alter and delete data all without notifying the individual or getting court approval. Your digital ID to be a requirement in order to use social media. This will allow the government to easily monitor what you think and say. Consider that nearly every church parses their sermons through the YouTube's all-seeing eye and submits its content to 'Big Tech' standards. 

Increasingly, I suspect digital IDs are less about safety and more setting up a structure for power and control. State-based mandates have rolled into federal and global mandates - policed by a global ID. As The Great Reset predicted, an enforced roll-out of mandate will require a collaboration between governments and the private sector. The Overton Window keeps moving towards totalitarianism. Mark my words, COVID contact tracing was a preview of what is to come.

Restrictions, surveillance and control will expand to include all manner of ‘mandated and socially approved behaviours’ - including approved ‘religious beliefs and practices’. ‘Vaccine passports’ are more accurately described as ‘data passports’, ‘participation passports’ or in short - a Digital ID.  Australia introduced the Trust Exchange (TEx) digital ID. With Digital IDs, people will be able to change their gender with a mouse click. Elites will use AI to track everyone and enforce compliance with ESG dictates and energy use.. Digital IDs are also necessary for a digital wallet and digital currency.  

It can well be argued that Google and Facebook already know far more about us than the government does. That is true. But using Google and Facebook is a choice and they can only de-platform us - and I can remember how the world operated just fine before those two companies were founded. But the government has the police force to physically lock us up and take our money. When private enterprise data is merged with government legislation and we have a recipe for a surveillance regime as the world has never seen. 

The Australian government passed its Critical Infrastructure Bill so it can nationalise 11 industries in the event of a cyber attack or threat. Combine his bill with the Identify and Disrupt Bill – which gives law enforcement unprecedented powers – and the government has legislated digital tyranny under the guise of “safeguard our community and economy”.

The NSW government uses facial recognition digital ID system within the Service NSW app. The Federal government updated its MyGov ID privacy policy to include biometric face scanning as allowable personal information for it to collect and share. Biometrics are now described as ‘behavioural characteristics'. Even though it violates their own data and privacy policies, the Victorian government is using facial recognition from iphone selfies to geo-locate people and ensure they are quarantined in their homes. This is dangerous territory.

Biometrics – is the measurement and statistical analysis of people’s unique physical and behavioural characteristics.

Biometric matching – refers to the use of a Face Verification Service to electronically compare your personal information and an image of your face against a specific biometric government record to verify your digital identity

Biometrics includes not only fingerprint, voice and facial recognition, but also DNA recognition.  Once in the biometric recognition passport system, it may be impossible to get out.  Like the Hotel California, once we check-into the digital ID system, will we ever be able to leave? Biometric Update provides a sense of just how pervasive this ID will become.  Implanted chips​ are even being touted as anxiety and depression solutions by providing dopamine hits.  These hits will be administered by Artificial Intelligence. So, unless your beliefs and injections are up to date, the digital system can prevent you from buying. Digital tokens can be withdrawn from your wallet, and you could be forced into home quarantine to be monitored by technology.  

If you express an idea that the government of the day deems 'mis-information' or unacceptable, you can be restricted.  Consider this thought:  Our ‘experts and scientists’ can’t tell the difference between a boy and a girl, or define a woman.  If you call someone by the 'wrong pronoun', will that result in a digital ID restriction?

In response to the Optus data hack, the new Home Affairs minister, Claire O'Neil - who is a WEF Young Global Leader, wants to accelerate digital ID legislation. is being proposed as a 'solution'. Amazon One is already allowing customers to pay for products using palm recognition technology. So, it is easy to see how an authoritarian government will use a Digital ID system for tracking compliance with their ideology. We are creating a beast of a system.

“[The Beast] also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.”

Revelation 13:16-17

Even the secular Coin Bureau can see this 'mark' prophecy being fulfilled. The WEF have suggested tracking children for their safety. They justify this as natural evolution. The mark of the beast will include a universal system that controls who can buy and sell. Should we accept this?  If we do not draw a line somewhere, we will cross it every time. 

So my question for those who embrace the digital ID is this:  ‘At what point will you say no?’  Is it when they demand that you embed a biometric sensor? Is it when they will not allow you to share or express certain Biblical views? If you won’t draw the line there, do you actually have a line? By the time many Christians realise what they have ceded to Caesar - or an A.I. Caesar, will they lament they didn’t draw the line earlier? 

Concrete Actions

I believe we are entering unprecedented and trying times. To help me respond intelligently to what I personally think may happen next, I will make changes to the way I operate, so I am not compelled to bow the knee to tyrannical demands.

"Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues"

Revelation 18:4


There are consequences for defying tyranny, but there are also consequences for submitting tyranny.  Ezekiel 33:2-6 lays out the consequences for watchmen and their hearers if they fail to heed reality. It's about choosing your consequence.

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