The Next Black Swans

๐ถ Revelation with Lyrics (John Rich)

Cometh the Horsemen: Pandemic, Famine, War | Michael Yon | EP 274

Why the Left Supports Palestine | Victor Davis Hanson

Civil Unrest & Global Protests: It's Going to Get WORSE!!
Prophecy: What is Next?
The Revelation of Jesus Christ is the final prophetic book which covers the time between Jesus' first and second comings. Sometimes we call this period the 'church age'. Because of its apocalyptic language, Christians often debate which parts have been fulfilled (preterist) and are yet to be fulfilled (futurist). However, prophecy covers both the pattern of history and human behaviour along with predicting future events and empires. That is why Christians can point to prophetic passages both being fulfilled and foreshadowing future fulfilment. As we progress towards 2030, we enter the territory of not knowing the future. While we all can have our own โcrystal ball' any prophetic insights must be more than just your opinion vs. my opinion. So, I revert to the Scriptures to help prophetically interpret the likely direction and ground on which we will find ourselves.
Revelation chapters 2 and 3, describe 7 churches in first century Asia Minor. Asia Minor is modern day Tรผrkiye and it is at the heart of the most recent Islamic Caliphate - the Ottoman Empire. These 7 churches were both real churches and also represent churches types within a hostile world. Yet, for 2,000 years, Jesus fulfilled his 'church age' promise to Peter.
And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church,
and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
The world has witnessed the Holy Spirit growing Godโs church from a handful of frightened fishermen into the worldโs largest religion. Today, Christianity has nearly 2 billion nominal adherents across the globe. Acts 1:8 correctly predicted the gospel's spread to the ends of the earth. So many generations have found Jesus and believers seek to win converts until the end. Yet now the time of the gentiles seems almost complete. (Rom 11:25). So what is next?
Having reached a zenith, the church is now experiencing a great and rapid โfalling awayโ. This falling away is occurring through both persecution and apostasy. In terms of persecution, the last 100 years has seen more martyrs than the first 19 centuries combined - largely at the hands of radical Islam. In terms of apostasy, western churches have caved to โwokeโ religion under the misnomer of 'social justice'. The Gates of Hell has seen churches 'progress' from the gospel to adopt a culturally marxist ideology of 'equity=love'. Now, generations do not even pretend to be Christian anymore.
In 2011, 62% of Australians identified as Christians while in 2021, 44% identified as Christians - a decline of 30% in 10 years . Culturally, the Westโs heritage is being deconstructed and demonised. This Great Falling Away dove-tails into God's revelation. Revelation chapters 4-5 describes saints in heaven looking down on a world that is awaiting judgement. After thousands of years of injustice, all is about to be made right - but only at the hand of the worthy one - Jesus himself.
The Coming Apocalypse
Revelation chapter 6 proceeds to reveal how the Lamb of God (Jesus) opens seven seals that announce tribulation and judgement upon the earth. The first 4 seals describe four horsemen who supernaturally invade the world. These horsemen allow humanity to experience the unfiltered consequences of their sinful decisions.
While the horses gallop together, individually each is given a colour and a domain to pursue. The horses' colour aligns with the colours of the pan-Arab flags while the sans script on those flags declare Allah Akbar or โOur God is Greatestโ. This statement is an anti-christian attack on the supremacy of Christ. In terms of domains, these horses serve the socially engineered goals of the WEF elites. This unholy DEI alliance cheer as 'Queers for Palestine' seek to eradicate God's truth. Let's look in more detail at how divine judgement is unfolding through mega-trends we observe.
White Horse - representing ideological conquest
Red Horse - representing war
Black Horse - representing famine
Pale Green Horse - representing death
White Horse: Ideological Conquest
The first seal reveals a horseman riding a white horse. He is holding a 'bow' and goes forth to conquer. It is worth noting there is 'no arrow' mentioned and the term for bow is actually 'fabric'. As such conquest under the banner of a flag is a logical interpretation. This bow could be an Islamic flag, a rainbow flag or a combination of both. Both are marked by a totalitarian ideology that is swiftly sweeping the world. The colour white represents 'submission to the conqueror' who demands allegiance to a new zeitgeist and world order. This spirit of antichrist stands against truth and it is taking over the whole world in a moment of mass psychosis. And the nations and the church have responded with a white flag.
Nationally, de-colonisation mindsets have become ubiquitous just as spiritually de-conversion testimonies have become common among former Christians. Nations are repealing laws base of Christian values and the church is afraid to stand for truth in the pulpit or the public square. Instead church leaders change Jesus' clear teachings to 'itch ears' and be โrelevantโ to the world. The fear of man brings a snare, but the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
You [my disciples] are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavour, how shall it be seasoned?
It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.
The western church has conflated virtue signalling on social issues with the actual โgospelโ. The result is that the term โgospelโ is conversationally meaningless. An ashamed church or silent church sets up the flock to be easily deceived. The Holy Spirit indwells the church and acts as a 'restrainer' on evil in society. So when the Restrainer is removed, then deception, chaos and judgement will come - and nations will face wrath.
But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come.
Evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.
2 Timothy 3:1, 13
These events further prove the sovereignty of God. God predicted a falling away will be a precursor to the Day of the Lord and His ultimate victory. Jesus told his faithful disciples they will be hated and persecuted for His sake.
โLet no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first,
and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destructionโ
2 Thessalonians 2:3
The Revelation of Jesus Christ draws back the curtain on the remnant that God is preserving. From the 7 churches to thousands from every tribe, God's people are pictured in heaven as a multitude of washed saints. Until the end, God continues to call the world to repent so as to avoid the coming wrath. In addition to the testimony of the saints, God sends prophetic witnesses and messengers in the sky so that humanity is without excuse. But God preserves His people through the judgement. Yet, the white horse is the first judgement, and 3 other horses are following on the horizon.
Red Horse: War
The second seal reveals a second horseman who rides a red horse. He caries a sword to go forth and make war. Wars have raged for thousands of years, but the Bible describes the end times as characterised by 'wars and rumours of wars'. There are many motives for war and today's world has no shortage of bloodlust. When nations decline, leaders will push for war as a means to cover up their failings. And when the failings are global, world war will be the result.
The 21st century sees an unprecedented number of under-reported wars. Coups and tribal conflicts continue to bubble away. Sadly, elites and corporates benefit financially from fostering war. As societies decline, they will increasingly blame other tribes and nations for their own travails. Historically, the Jews - through whom Christ came - have been the target of hatred - as Satan sees attacking God's people as a proxy for attacking God. Revelation 12 At the same time, Jews are sinful just like everyone else. So when Jews have power, they will persecute others just like they have been persecuted. Both of these dynamics can be seen in the ongoing conflict in the Holy Land.
"All human conflict is ultimately theological"
Henry Edward Manning
Sovereign nations should have their own strong defence forces. When an army defends their neighbour and homeland, they are doing a good thing. However, today defence forces are rarely used for defence. Instead they are used for invasions, military adventurism and ideological conquest at the whims of a king. When that happens, the military is evil.
"Today, the military is setting foreign policy"
Paul Keating, former Australian Prime Minister
We should wisely analyse conflicts, and not allow 'emergencies' to become pretexts for ceding freedom and truth. We need to guard for deception from our own leaders who say 'extraordinary times' justify 'emergency power'. This playbook happened in prior world wars and similar dangers exist today. Today crises' portend surveillance, censorship, freezing accounts, and seizing assets without due process. Historically, war coincides with massive wealth transfer.
NATO vs Russia
In 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. Like all world leaders, Putin is a killer. Yet, in the geopolitical space, Putin has legitimate complaints about provocations and broken promises (Minsk Agreement). Western actions over the last 75 years have been just as wrong as Putins', but on a greater scale. As head of the NATO snake - the US has invaded countless nations, assassinated leaders and sponsored terrorism, but the US was never sanctioned. America has spread propaganda and lies. Since WW2 the US has initiated the majority of coups and conflicts; and so the Eastern tyrants like Putin and Xi feel justified in responding in kind. Western leaders seem to have no desire for peace, but keep fuelling the fire towards nuclear conflict and World War III.
Among the 248 armed conflicts that occurred in 153 regions across the world from 1945 to 2001, 201 were initiated by the United States of America, accounting for 81% of the total number.
United Nations
American foreign policy is not a level playing field. Using its financial and military might, it scuttles peace deals so it can continue its lucrative business of weapons production. To provide itself with diplomatic cover, the US created the 'United Nations'. The UN became a 'mother of harlots', birthing many global bodies like the WEF, NATO, WHO, IMF, Revelation 17-18. These global institutions are corrupt, dependent on US funding, and drunk on the blood of the saints. They are useful tools to justify the expansion of the elite's pathological desire for money and power. The UN also birthed the false prophetic 'Human Fraternity' movement which heralds a universal religion that is constructed in all the key high places in national capitals. The end is coming and believers should focus on the King of Kings for salvation.
The Far and Middle East
While the West fractures, the Chinese dragon is rising. China has built hypersonic nuclear missiles and economic highways with its Belt and Road Initiative.. Beyond its Taiwanese aggression, China's is eyeing off middle east peace negotiations. Asia has a large muslim population and China is partnering with Iran against the Jews. Meanwhile, Israel as a whole continue to reject Christ as it wages war to build a Jewish state by their own hands. While in the rest of the Middle East, the BRICS club has expanded to include both Iran and Saudi Arabia. Islam and the Chinese Communist Party both have brutal human rights records and they will join forces where their interests intersect.
Jerusalem is at the heart of Israel. Zechariah 12:2 declares that Jerusalem will become a cup of trembling for all nations. Nations will have 'hooks placed in their jaws' and be drawn into its conflict. Ezekiel eerily prophesies that in the end times, Gog and Magog will invade a restored and prosperous Israel - Ezekiel 38:8-13. While historically Magog refers to 'barbarians from the north', it also refers to 'hordes of invaders'. Since October 7th, 2023, Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis are all united in conflict with Israel. Their zeal for conquering the Holy Land stems from their shared Islamic eschatology. For example, Hamas' 1988 charter unequivocally seeks the subjugation and destruction of both Israel and Christianity.
The entire 510 million square kilometers of Planet Earth will come under [a system] where there is no injustice, no oppression, no Zionism, no treacherous Christianity
Former Senior Hamas official - Mahmoud al-Zahar
Daniel 9:27 indicates that the United Nations will re-affirm its covenant with Israel for 7 years. In the middle of the pact, it will break the covenant and commence the mother of all wars against humanity. This will be known as Armageddon.
โRelease the four angels who are bound at the great Euphrates River. Then the four angels who had been prepared for this hour and day and month and year were turned loose to kill one-third of all the people on earth. I heard the size of their army, which was 200 million mounted troops."
We know there will never be peace until the Prince of Peace returns, and so the red horse gallops. End times birth pains will get more frequent and intense. Along the way, politicians invest in military stocks and pocket money for themselves. In all of this, the โlittle peopleโ suffer and need our compassion. Even the non-believing UN is predicting famine induced mass migration. Starving people will rise up against governments leading to vicious counter-crackdowns. โEven those whom avoid the physical conflict will find misery. War is inherently inflationary and this will increase the spread of famine.
Black Horse: Scarcity
The third seal is the third horseman who rides a black horse bringing famine. The first two decades of the 21st century have seen unprecedented wealth through global trade. International commerce and travel has increased while simultaneously world-wide poverty has decreased. Providing the poor with food is a large social good. Our world is now fat on an abundance of both necessary and discretionary items. But COVID restrictions reversed decades of gains made in fighting poverty. When you add war, maritime blockages and 'financial sanctions' to this toxic cocktail and it is easy to see inflation and product โrationing' increasing and becoming normal. Elites now perversely frame economic contraction as a social good for the sake of the environment. Calls are being made for continued GDP contraction.
The Great Resignation: Employment Shortage
The wake of Covid created a worker shortage and gave everyone a taste of government welfare. Many millennials now only take jobs if the company will advocated for their social causes. Simon Sinek says many would rather have no job than a hard job So many jobs are actually 'bullshit jobs' in developed nations. Therefore, as artificial intelligence matures, the West will experience depression level unemployment and demands for universal basic income (UBI) will increase.
The Global Supply Chain: Product Shortage
2020 was the zenith of global trade. Supply chain volatility has grown as manufacturing sites, ports and sea lanes battle with gridlocked. Uncertainty logistics and political policies create bare shelves and further increases prices. As cargo ships are seized in conflicts, then shipping costs will skyrocket and de-globalize trade. All this chaos, will cause the economic system to haemorrhage and political leaders will start to demand a 'reset'.
Famine: Provision Shortage
When farmers cannot obtain fertiliser to grow a crop, villages will starve. European farmers are protesting in most capitals. Food prices have increased 30%, in a year, yet the elites say a war on food. is needed for 'climate action'. The WEF says we must Redefine our Relationship with Food. Elite say that farming and fishing are 'ecocide' and should be a crime. In turn, each person should be limited to 14 grams of meat per day - along with cockroach milk and insects. All Things Bugs, is a US start-up developing eco-friendly, therapeutic food products with funding from the Bill Gates Foundation.โ Governments are confiscating farms to reduce emissions. Recent Sri Lankan food shortages were due to 'green farming' policies. When things fell apart, Sri Lanka introduced digital IDs to ration supplies. So when food is rare people's health and lifespans will decline dramatically while, crime and lawlessness will soar.
Energy: Power Shortage
In poor societies, a village might purchased a tractor (capital) and use it to till more ground and increase production. However, the real capital is not the tractor, but the power source behind the tractor is a truer measure of capital. A village tractor is useless if it does not have fuel. Similarly, global capitalism is not so much goods, as it is the ability to transport and use them. In reality, energy is the truest form of wealth, currency, and productivity. Without energy, developed nations are as weak as a nation that does not have that capital at all.
The Achilles Heel of global capitalism is cheap, reliable power. South Africa now load sheds its energy. Australia also flirts with energy availability and brownouts while resisting clean nuclear energy.โ The elite's say everyone should buy an elective vehicle (EVs), however the long0-term promise of EVs is a mirage. Because they lose their value so quickly and cost as much to fill as gas vehicles, they really are just toys of the elites.. Most people, will be forced to pay high petrol prices or cut back on travel. Inflating the price of energy is good for the elites while the average person suffers.
Housing: Shelter Shortage
Homelessness is a major issue in most of the world. Home affordability is beyond the average wage earner. Insane 'eco-standards' and government regulations have added hundreds of thousands of dollars to the cost of new homes. This restrains supply and pushes up construction costs. So that leaves renting in markets where vacancy rate are appallingly low. Annual rent increases can exceed 20% and create crazy rental demand. Keeping a roof over one's own head is hard and forces many people to avoid getting married and starting a family - which again is one of the Malthusian goals.
Inflation: Purchasing Power Shortage
In response to lockdowns and wars, countries print money. The effects of money printing is โsuspended economic animationโ. Money printing devaluates the purchasing power of fiat currency (also known as inflation). The Dollar Milkshake theory describes how the US exports inflation to the globe. ESG metrics also create 'greenflation'. In 2022, the US senate passed the misnomered Inflation Reduction Act, providing $7,500 credit to purchase EVs. Yet, both Ford and GM raised the price of their EVs by $7,500. Let the reader understand. The debt and inflation situation is worse than official government statistics. If we compare apples with apples using the 1980's metrics, true inflation would double. Inflation is a sign of judgement. Revelation 6:5-6 says that an end-times sign is income inequality, inflation and famine.
โTwo pounds of wheat for a dayโs wages,
and six pounds of barley for a dayโs wages,
and do not damage the oil and the wine!โ
Wheat and barley are the sustenance for โaverage Joeโsโ. Oil and wine are the commodities of the elites. This prophecy indicates a large divide between the rich and the poor.โ Eventually, fiat money will be shown to the Ponzi scheme that it is. The USD will be usruped by a digital dollar and the world will have create a new monetary system of A.I. slavery.
Pale Horse: Death
The fourth seal is the fourth horseman who rides a pale horse representing plague and death. After the world has been devastated by war and famine, it is inevitable that the remaining people will suffer from the effects of disease. The disease could be a result of poor nutrition from the preceding famine and/or from another pandemic likely manufactured from the grain on function practice that we saw through the recent Covid lab leak. Death will be recorded on such a scale that the earth's population clock will go into reverse. The numbers are staggering. 25% of the earth or 2 billion people will die from the impact of first 3 seals. As through the past two millennia, many Christians will perish during this time. Yet God promises to preserve His saints from His judgement as we are not appointed to wrath.
Cosmic Judgements
The first part of the apocalypse is God allowing judgement by permitting humans to reap the consequences of the sinful plans and desires. However, the coming part of the apocalypse sees God sending divine judgement that originate from the heavens. We should not forget that God is supernatural and His works will come in forms that mortal men will find hard to explain. Trans-human elites are experimenting with the LHC (Large hadron collider) in CERN Switzerland. Starting on April 8th, 2024, they commenced colliding atoms in attempts to find parallel universes and discover the 'God Particle'. However, life is more than what we see. All they may succeed in doing is opening up doors to the underworld.
Excuses like zombies or alien invasions may be presented as narratives to explain horrendous supernatural experiences and encounters, but ultimately these cosmic judgements will be so overwhelming that mankind will no longer have any excuse or ability to ignore God. As the Bible predicts, every knee will bow and tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. This is what God tells us about the final 3 cosmic judgements.
5th Seal: Witness of Martyred Saints
6th Seal: A Great earthquake
7th Seal: Cosmic judgements from heaven
The 5th seal is not so much a new judgement as it is a testimony of the final seals being released on the earth are just.. Multitudes of martyred saints are seen in heaven calling for God to rightly avenge their deaths. On earth, we recognised that the world is full of injustice, but when judgement does come, humans are quick to say that it is not fair. God's makes no mistakes. The only reason God is patient is because there are still a few more saints to come. Only once that time is complete, will He then judge completely. The opening of the 5th seal signifies that the time of God's judgement has arrived. True justice will now come in the form of the 6th and 7th seals
The 6th seal is a massive earthquake. Krakatoa was only a foretaste of this coming quake. Unlike a localised quake, the sun will be blocked out and solar panels will cease producing power. Never-ending darkness will send people insane. Geographically there will be a pole shift, causing some cities to freeze and some cities to sizzle.
"And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places."
Revelation. 6:14
Elites will flee to their bunkers and wish for death. Even though they will claim God sent these judgements, they will blame the cause on climate change rather than their rebellion. They will refuse to repent towards the God of the universe.
โThe 7th seal is a series of cosmic judgements. It describes the end times as 7 sets of bowls and 7 sets of trumpets. All these sets of judgements mirror each other. These judgements could be cumulative or cross-reference each other. Regardless, they describe a time of great tribulation and the scale of the judgements include:
Hail mixed with blood and fire that burns a third of the earth - Rev 8:7
A huge asteroid (Wormwood) hits the earth destroying a third of the sea and rivers - Rev 8:8-11
Demons descending upon the earth to torment men who reject God - Rev 9:1-11
An army of 200 million will invade nations using nuclear weapons and kill billions. - Rev 9:13-19
Amidst the time of these seals, God continues to offer salvation and calls for humanity to repent. He even has angels proclaim the gospel in the sky. - Revelation 14:7-8 God is not a sadisitic torturer. but in love provides an opportunity for repentance right until the very end. Yet, the world will double down on its humanistic world order and instead look to the leader who is destined for destruction. Let's have a look at the financial system of that doomed leader.