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Money, Power, AI and Anti-Christ

A.I. Situation is Getting CRAZY
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A.I. Situation is Getting CRAZY

A.I. Situation is Getting CRAZY

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Kanye West - POWER

Kanye West - POWER

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"Civil War Is Inevitable Now" - Population Collapse, Elite Corruption & Rich vs Poor | WhatifaltHist

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Islamic Investors About to Flood Crypto Markets – Here’s Why!

Islamic Investors About to Flood Crypto Markets – Here’s Why!

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History of Money

Throughout history, gold has been a means of exchange and a form of wealth preservation. Physical gold is a form of insurance and a hedge against slavery.  But gold, like any commodity, is cumbersome and can be stolen, confiscated, doped or banned. For convenience of exchange (known as 'currency'), societies minted precious metals into coins with their ruler's image as an authenticated seal of its intrinsic purity and value. The Roman Denarius is one such example. As empires became corrupt and fell they abused and weaponised their currency. A better system was needed to store, trade and tax.

During the Crusaders, pilgrims were routinely robbed and killed on their journey to the Holy Land. To protect the travellers, the Vatican set up the Order of the Knights Templar. In addition to providing physical protection, the Knights established offices in most European cities and well as Jerusalem. Prior to their Holy Land journey, pilgrims were encouraged to deposit their life savings at their local office in return for a 'certificate' which could be redeemed in the Knights' Jerusalem office. This was history's first multi-national corporation and global financing.  

The banking system made the Knights extremely rich, not least because 40% of pilgrims never reached Jerusalem, thus forfeiting their wealth to the Templars. The Knights became so wealthy they gave loans to kings to fund their wars. Eventually, afraid of their influence, the Vatican closed the Order down. However, theories abound about the shadowy movement going 'underground' and continuing through secret societies like the Illuminati. Regardless of that legend, what has openly continued is a centralised banking system of international settlements. 

Paper money certificates, known as cash, increasingly became popular for their convenience, anonymity and facilitation of free trade. Various forms of cash have dominated. With British colonisation in the 1800's, the pound and Bank of England was the world's reserve (trusted) currency. At the end of WW2, the Bretton Woods agreement set the US dollar the world's reserve currency. The US Federal Reserve Bank in a tango with the US government issued new dollars with the promise to exchange them back for a finite commodity like gold or oil.

"In God We Trust" was written on each note and coin.  However, America has ceased having faith in God. Instead, since 1973, the USD has been fiat money - only backed by 'good faith' in the US government. Today, few people have faith in the US. Fiat money allows the US to print unlimited dollars and issue global debts. However, unbacked printing steals value from the holders of the fiat currency and financially enslaves countries and citizens who are forced to use it for trade. It also provides the means to finance wars and socially engineer desired behaviours. The US is not the first empire to corrupt a financial system, but they have done it on an unprecedented scale.   

Debt and Taxation Crisis

If I were to design a scheme to break economies and accelerate the destruction of national currencies with the aim of bringing in a financial reset, I could not think of a better way than unilaterally shutting down economies for an extended period of time under the guise of a 'black death style pandemic' or a massive cyber attack. Such a scenario would create a debt crisis for governments who need to feed citizens who they have forced out of work.  

Today, countries face a 'currency crisis'. They need to pay back their debts in USD and the USD and interest rates have got more expensive. This phenomenon is called the dollar milkshake theory. Debt ties the borrower to the will of the lender. Today, debt is called bonds, from which we get the word bondage. Loans are modern slavery and a debt reset may be offered with 'strings'. Financial relief will be distributed on an 'equity basis' and managed through cashless payment devices injected in your body. This development is predicted by both the BBC and God.

And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark

Revelation 13:7a

The laws of supply and demand cannot change. As more money is printed, it becomes less valuable for everyone. The result is inflation. 50% of all USD in existence been printed since 2020. Since 2008, global debt has tripled to over $300 trillion. With hidden leverage (off-balance sheet), true inflation is far higher than official statistics. Banks are in financial trouble and few people realised that banks can legally confiscate your money under the term 'bail-in'.

Government pension schemes and obligations have morphed into state sanctioned ponzi schemes used to advance a DEI agenda. Meanwhile, BRICS nations are developing an alternative financial system - mBridge - to offer countries a financial lifeline. But the BRICS leaders have the same desire for power that the US does. All this financial chaos builds momentum for a 'monetary reset' based on a centrally regulated digital blockchain technology. 

In theory, governments should balance their budgets - paying for expenditure by taxation. But governments need more revenue. Each year the US government spends 50% more than it gets in tax revenue and debt interest alone eats up over 30% of tax receipts. Similar imbalances exist all around the world. So governments are considering wealth taxes on ‘unrealised gains’.  Wealth taxes steal from those who have already paid tax on those dollars. Wealth taxes will be a nightmare to implement and will necessitate an intimate government measurement system of the dynamic value of everything you own.  Every bit of your data will need to be tracked and so data has become the new gold.

Money as a Weapon of Governments

Governments use money to control their people. In the wake of the bank collapses, the US effectively nationalised its entire banking system. The US is attempting to 'forgive' thousands of dollars student loans. These actions are moral hazards. Beyond the additional effects on inflation, student debt forgiveness steals from the poor (the un-credentialled) to give to the rich (the credentialed graduates). People will be encouraged to not make their payments as their debts could be wiped away if they vote the correct way and as long as they don't post anything objectionable on social media. Demands will grow for greater taxation, reparations, and debt annulment, while institutions are encouraged to take bad risks and increase prices. These actions destroy the fabric of a functioning economy and society. 

The Australian government is studying the same playbook. They want to commandeer our $3.3 trillion of super for their own purposes. The government are set to legislate a new definition for your superannuation as follows.   

"The objective of super is to preserve savings to deliver income for a dignified retirement,

alongside government support, in an equitable and sustainable way"

What does equitable and sustainable mean? The Australian Finance Services minister clarified saying:

"Having an objective of super will enable us to identify opportunities

where the national interest and member interests align"

Stephen Jones - MP

Canada has already ordered its banks to confiscate the funds of those of both those who protest government policies. UK banks unilaterally shut down Nigel Farage MP account without explanation. If this occures before a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is in place, imagine how a cashless society can make it impossible to buy or sell for those who don't have approved thoughts and behaviours. The IMF wants a person's credit score linked with their internet history. Elites are increasing their god-like control over your thoughts and assets.

Internationally, money is a weapon. The US uses SWIFT to sanction countries who do not obey their orders. Today, over 140 countries have rejected US sanctions on Russia. So far 38 nations have applied to join the BRICS financial system. BRICS will likely triumph over the USD system, but they both pose the same digital ID threat to freedom. Middle East nations are re-aligning as US power is shrinking. Global maritime routes are BRICS aligned. Make no mistake, having the world's reserve currency status is the world's most powerful weapon. If the USD is dethroned, America will become a failed state - albeit with the world's largest military. The US will start another war before giving up its reserve currency status. Yet, the day is coming when the world will strip her naked and eat her flesh - Rev. 17:16

Money as a Weapon of Corporations

God knows the sinful heart of man has not changed. Money is power.  Today, vast amounts of money have distorted ‘democracies’ and perverted the government representative structures.  Lobbyists and corporations buy influence to shape policies to suit their aims. Big Tech, Big Pharma, celebrities and the Military Industrial Complex all hold more power than elected leaders. These sectors and big corporations are addicted to government funding and contracts.


Today, corporations and financial institutions wield power based on their woke ideological standards. My bank, Bank Australia, announced that from 2025 they will no longer offer car loans unless they are electric powered. Halifax Bank told its customers to close their accounts if they don't support transgender ideology. PayPal announced they will confiscate $2,500 from customer's accounts who promote what they deem 'misinformation'.  The WEF continue to advocate for social protection financing through universal delivery systems.  This is all before digital IDs are mandated.

Furthermore, planned obsolesces is built into new equipment. 'Hardware as a Service' has arrived. The Internet of Things allows corporations to shut down your device should they want more money or disagree with your views. Farmers are unable to repair or operate their John Deere tractors unless they pay for software upgrades.  This has implications for food production. Remote control is also built into electric vehicles (EV). EVs are mandated to replace ICU cars but their cost is prohibitive for most people. This means we will rent, not own, our transportation and our travel will be controlled. 

Careers are also weaponised by corporations. Not only to they replace hiring by merit with diversity hiring quotas, but they are now implementing equity layoffs to rebalance their workforce towards more woke representation. The consequences are that the traditional family will not be able to find work or feed their families, as demonstrated with the Andrew Thorburn saga. He was forced to choose between church and his job.  Money is a means to hunt Christians.

The Love of Money does not care how large a trail of destruction it leaves in its wake.  It is devoid of ethics and morality and as such seeks to mask that with the new ethics and morality of ‘identity politics’.

"The Love of Money is the Root of all Evil"

1 Timothy 6:10  

But owning money is not the only way to love it.  Hedge funds, like Vanguard and Blackrock, manage our pension plans. They use 'mum and dad' pension funds to gain leverage and wield power. They use your money' to sway and coerce publicly traded corporations towards ESG metrics.  Money is leveraged to magnify power for the purpose of evil. 

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs

Blockchain technology is huge. In terms of nomenclature, crypto-currencies would be better called 'new payment networks', but because they are so new, they are volatile and yet to be legally tested. It is hard to overstate the potential for digital payments to transform the way the world operates. Technology itself is morally neutral.  It can be used for good or for evil.  An example of good is how tech opens up opportunities to the world's poor for free trade. An evil example is FTX's ponzi scheme and the politicians who launder money for elections and war profits.

Over 80% of countries are developing their own digital currency. CBDCs are not digital versions of cash. Instead, they are programmable coupons. As digital coupons or vouchers, they can be set to expire or be limited to be used to buy only what the government deems acceptable for you at any point in time.   Being programmable, CBDCs can be used to mask inflation - at least for a time. They can also facilitate 'negative interest rates' on a massive scale. And so the media censor negative reporting on CBDCs. To force CBDC adoption, governments may use a future crisis to seize and replace cash with CBDC tokens. Eventually, CBDCs will be the only accepted medium of exchange. 

Australia is currently centralising and overhauling its digital payment system. Australia is predicted to be functionally cashless by 2025. India is trialling its e-Rupee. The UK has its 'smart money' and digital pound. China's has piloted its Digital Yuan and the USA has introduced the FedNow payment system and a US digital dollar pilot.  Just as the seasons follow each other, centralised control of digital money and transactions are coming very soon.​

'Programmable USD may be necessary to support new business models’

US Federal Reserve

The digital dollar roll-out may have two stages - a retail CBDC and a wholesale CBDC. Governments can use the wholesale ledger to secretly print money for their pet projects and to tokenise 'natural assets', while not having it show on the retail ledger. Retail CBDCs will be linked to a person's digital ID, enabling the provision of discounted interest rates for certain 'identity' groups and penalisation of other groups deems 'historically privileged. Yet, for all the subterfuge, CBDCs will cause a massive cost increase on the average Joe, making the 'little people' poorer for the sake of the elites.  

CBDCs can also measure and control the number of kms a person drives and grams of red meat they purchase. If a person uses too much carbon, their digital ID account may be automatically debited with a penalty payment. There is already an initiative call My Carbon designed to force compliance with energy use targets. Centralised digital currencies are a financial return to Egypt. Once the CBDC line is crossed, there is no return and the reset is born.

Poverty, Taxation and Slavery

Jesus says that being poor in spirit is a virtue. He does not ascribe any virtue to poverty other than recognising that it will always exist. 'The poor will be with you always'. Nevertheless, we know from His actions that he did have great compassion for the poor and met their needs. Poverty is one of life's greatest killers and a key indicator of a shortened life-span.  The great tragedy of modern monetary policies is that for the first time in decades - and despite their rhetoric, poverty is increasing while live expectance is decreasing.


Greg Mannarino predicts that the new economic system will wipe out the entire middle class. Ever since the lockdown, government policies are all about decreasing supply and increasing demand.   The agenda continues to restrict the availability of products while continuing to handout more money (liquidity).  As prices skyrocket, governments will introduce the old communist trick - price caps and controls.


Nationalised pricing will send private businesses broke. At the energy level, price caps are designed to set the stage so that the government can nationalise power production.  The Australian prime minister, Anthony Albanese has implement price caps for gas. But if finance steers the economy, then energy drives the economy.  The prosperity of nations rises and falls on the availability of energy. Many of the world's most authoritarian countries control the world's energy supplies. Without cheap and reliable energy mouths, will go hungry.

We often think that slavery ended with William Wilberforce in 1807 or the US Civil War in 1865.  Slavery did not end, it just evolved.  While race based slavery officially ended as western government policy, the era of debt and financial slavery was just beginning. Whether it be a house mortgage, student loan or credit card debt, financial bonds are new forms of chains.   Ever larger amounts of debt are required to buy goods at inflated asset prices.


Despite what baby boomers claim, there is no viable pathway forward for younger generations to establish themselves financially. Younger generations have sold themselves into lifetimes of financial debt. The same principle occurs for small countries who borrow from financial giant countries. Both individuals and countries are preparing to rebel. I expect the coming revolution will involve monetary confiscation and a new slave class.

It is prudent to prepare. Increasingly, I am less focused on preparing to 'save this world's system' and more focussed on preparing to 'survive this world's system'. I am doing so by investing into a homesteading solution - not only for myself, but so I can give to others.​ Will an off the grid lifestyle provide some reprieve? Maybe for a time, but I will learn to live as a Barefoot Disciple, trust God for my provisions and live lightly to the things of this world.  

Options to escape the coming system reset are being restricted.  Already calls to ban wood stoves and gas stoves are increasing. If not banned, alternative energy sources will be taxed out of use. Even existing home owners are still subject to property taxes and rates which can escalate quickly.  Passive incomes or fixed retirement payments will be dwarfed and eaten up by hyper-inflation. The World Health Organisation want a global treaty with policing powers that could include sanctions and asset confiscation. History shows those who control the money, control the people.

A.I., the Anti-Christ and Money

Prophecy covers both the pattern of history and human behaviour along with predicting future events and empires. That is why Christians can point to prophetic passages both being fulfilled and foreshadowing future fulfilment. But with fair warning, this section gets pretty dark.  

One of the most hotly speculated areas of prophecy has been around the identity of the antichrist. In the Bible, the term 'antichrist' is used to both describe an ungodly system and an ungodly leader. There have been antichrist systems and leaders of the past and there will be a future and final antichrist system. The layers of Nebuchadnezzar statue represent the past antichrist systems and leaders of Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome.

Yet the New Testament provides a significant warning of a final Antichrist who will supersede all the preceding antichrists - Rev 13:2. The mark of this beast will be a financial system that excludes those who don't submit to him and his decrees. A new sharia-compliant BRICS economic system is poised to replace our current financial system. This system may incorporate Islamic approved taxes and other sacrifices as a form of obeisance to 'Allah Akbar'   

Should we be concerned? Firstly, Christians are called to faithfully endure. We do so by looking to the true Christ, not obsessing about a false Christ (psudeo-Christ). The surest way to not get swept up into apostasy by serving a false system is to remain faithful in serving the true Christ. Regardless, God tells us to watch out for false teachers and prophets who claim to be god.  

Children, it is the last hour; and just as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have appeared...This is the antichrist, who denies the Father and the Son.

1 John 2:18, 22b

Pharaoh, Caesar, Hitler, Mao, Lenin, and Stalin were all little 'a' antichrists.  As bad as they were with their global domination plans, they were still humans with emotions and souls. They were limited with both the scope and the technology that they possessed. Prior to Jesus' return, an end times Antichrist - a 'man of lawlessness' - will arrive to emulate and exceed all proceeding antichrists. He will seek to replace the Holy Spirit and indwell all people

"Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day [of the Lord's return] will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God."

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4

The world has had hundreds of dictators before; but never before in human history has the world had a global digitally-powered dictator. A digital dictatorship poses an existential threat to the future of humanity - to the degree whereby if the Creator of the world did not intervene, all human life would be destroyed. Isaiah 2:12-22 describes the cave-seeking final terror which describes life on earth just prior to Jesus' return.

In fact, unless that time of calamity is shortened, not a single person will survive.

But it will be shortened for the sake of God’s chosen ones.

Matthew 24:22

Creating and controlling ‘life’ is God's domain. Yet, trans-humanism is the merging of man and machine to create a new god. With A.I.'s development, it is plausible that the next global leader will be a super-intelligent 'trans-human' who manipulates our greatest desires. He will be seen as a global saviour, embraced by Jews and gentiles alike. He will promise a heavenly life on earth and an escape from 'hell on earth'. Like past empires, failure to follow his beastly direction and bow the knee to the god-like emperor will come with a death sentence. 

While some have speculated that the pope, the king, the president or Bill Gates are the end-times antichrist, none of them alone has total control. To be sure all these leaders possess power in the fields of religion, politics, business and finance, but alone they are not the final beast. Lest we gain a perverse sense of deflected satisfaction by identifying someone whose heart is darker than our own, consider this. Because original sin is within all of us, there is a beast within all of us. 25 years of internet usage has seen humans program a cultural and social organism that gives life to our collective brain.


Today is it nearly impossible to live (buy or sell) without internet access.​ The Internet of Things (IoT) will morph into the 'Internet of Bodies' (IoB). This collective central super intelligence will be an unprecedented beast. Our selfish nature will serve an unelected digital 'god' that has no love, no emotion, and no restraint; and our 'mind files' will play a part in creating a silicon platform for demons and demonic ideology.

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is the equivalent of ‘summoning the devil’. 

Elon Musk 

Programming technology with a moral conscience is not possible. As a tool, A.I. reflects the moral framework of the programmer. Yet, once A.I. reaches singularity (self-generated programming), it will develop a ‘life’ of its own and birth a Frankenstein monster. At this point, there will be many 2nd order unforseen consequences. For example, A.I. could be a destructive tool in the hands of evil leader or even an angry teenager in a basement. Alternatively, on its own A.I. could release a deadly virus or send a Slaughter-bots drone swarm to kill communities deemed a threat. An A.I. eugenics vision is why its emergence is being called an 'Oppenheimer Moment'. 

The only thing more bloody than a fascist regime done right is a fascist regime gone wrong.

Glenn Beck

A.I. is a self generative monster that will create its own ethics. If the beast doesn't kill humans, it will enslave them to serve its needs. The one consumable that machines need is not food, but energy. A.I. will enslave humans to produce energy to feed its needs. Microsoft has registered a 666 patent - not a joke - to harvest human brain activity and trade it on a blockchain. The Bible describes this dystopian moment where animation brings to life an image with deadly force.  


 He was then permitted to give life to this statue so that it could speak. Then the statue of the beast commanded that anyone refusing to worship it must die.

Revelation 13:15

A.I. has been trained on woke ideology. Progressive critical theory has set the algorithmic course on which AI will operate. DEI and ESG are the spiritual catechisms of the mark of the beast, enabling it to birth the coming fascist monster. 

The 'S' in E.S.G. stands for Satanic

Elon Musk

Can people resist or survive this coming antichrist system? Consider this thought experiment: Could you live for a week without the internet? Our lives have become so dependent on this technology that many of us would not be able to survive in the modern world if the internet was suddenly shut off. Some of us may wish to return to a pre-internet lifestyle, but if money is just embedded digits in our bodies, how is that possible? That is why CBDCs are considered the 'game over' threshold. Money will force compliance, just as it has throughout history.

So we continue with the WEF's 4th Industrial Revolution vision of an Internet of Bodies that is accelerated a 2nd wave of human evolution. When we believe that nanotechnology will alter our human biology and engineer our salvation, we bow the knee to a new 'life-giving' god. Like 1st century Gnostics, we deny that Jesus Christ has come as God in the flesh for our salvation, and instead we turn our own flesh into a new god. This is why the trans-humanist theology is the religion of the antichrist and an existential threat to both this life and the life to come. 

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