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Possible End Times Scenario

This is not a prediction.  I am sure some of these details will not be correct. But, through extrapolating current events, this plausible scenario constructs a semi-fictional pathway to the end.  God has a calendar. Maranatha!

The Arc of History: No man knows the day or the hour of Jesus' return.  However, Biblical patterns suggest we are in the season of Jesus' return.


The world enters an unprecedented time of chaos.  Wars expand and break out in Russia/Ukraine, Israel and the Middle East and the Sahel region of Africa.  Venezuela invades Guyana and China invades Taiwan.  Global maritime trade and the US reputation decline precipitously. Internally undeclared civil war emerge in Myanmar and the United States.  The US and Europe can no longer fund Ukraine, so its confiscates $300 billion of Russia's frozen assets.  In responses, Russia confiscates western assets.  This leads to haemorrhaging of the financial and currency markets.  Russia conducts a massive cyber attack on American which causes the US to postpone the 2024 elections - thus leading to civil war.  The Western financial empire is dead and a new world order emerges.

The cyber attack wipes out crypto exchanges and halts share market trading.  Governments and central banks ban bitcoin and gold and require a digital ID for the general population to resume using the internet.  Digital currency is printed and promoted as being better than cash, however, you need a 'global digital ID and wallet' in order to vote, access your bank account and receive UBI crisis payments. Minority groups will receive double UBI payment amounts as reparations and recognition of the systemic challenges they have historically faced.

In the undeveloped world, starvation becomes common although it's largely unreported. NGOs share feel good stories of exceptions who receive aid, to mask the reality of global destitution. The world's population starts declining from its 2023 peak for of 8 billion the first time. The number of people suddenly dying increases exponentially. Cremation becomes standard while successful births decline.

The fragile Israel/Hamas ceasefire is shattered as religious Jews sacrifice a lamb on the temple mount in Jerusalem causing unified outrage across the Muslim world. Benjamin Netanyahu is replaced by his fierce critic Yuval Noah Harari.  Harari declares that he exists beyond religion and will bring peace to the troubled region. The Islamic world hail that their 12th Imam has arrived. The Pope issues a decree that all genders and sexualities are acceptable to God.  Interfaith forums on human value and the deity within are held alongside the newly World Economic Forum sponsored - COP climate conference.  Klaus Schwab proclaims that earth care is spiritual care.

A.I. elevates Microsoft as the dominant tech player. Elon Musk dies suddenly. Microsoft buys the new X 'everything app' with Neural-ink, payment features powered by StarLink and integrated into its patented BrainNet software. With the passing of Equity Laws in the West, non-woke non-profit organisation including churches, have their tax status revoked.  Almost overnight, many church denominations and hospitals declare bankruptcy and their assets are seized by the state. Seeing the carnage denominations bow down to the 'equity shibboleths'. 

Due to the ongoing economic conditions, most small businesses close.  Selectively they are bought by global corporations who restructure and digitise their operations. Pension funds are nationalised and globalised.  Leaders promises that all welfare needs will be taken care of by the state. New global taxation systems are agreed upon at the G7 and G20 conferences to be overseen by UN bodies. A global carbon consumption tax introduced to deal with the debt crisis. Inheritances are abolished and wealth taxes are imposed on all real estate. 

Large numbers of people are regularly taking mRNA vaccines, in fear of viruses or as anxiety medication to alleviate their mental state from all the daily chaos they observe.  Many people become disabled and rely on government handouts to survive. They submit to increased climate lockdowns managed by their smart cities.  The popularity of governments of all persuasions hits record lows.  Several assassination attempts occur, but the corresponding crackdown on public freedoms are incrementally more severe. 


Gavin Newsom emerges as the new US President from the delayed elections. He is the keynote speaker at Davos 2025. Embraced as the visionary the world needs, he is unanimous endorsed by the UN and WEF members to implement the global framework needed to set the world on a sustainable path for the future. Defying the constitution, Newsom replaces his Vice President with Justin Trudeau under the banner of a united North America. Those who complain are arrested as dangerous terrorists. 'We the people' resistance never materialises on any real scale.

In Europe, elderly people are found frozen to death in all major cities.  Desperate for energy, the EU produces trillion dollar 'nuclear bonds' for EVs.  Gas powered cars are banned. Protests are common in all capital cities and European citizens list crime as their number one fear. Out of the blue, Vladimir Putin is assassinated . President Newsom claims responsibility as a necessary circuit breaker for Europe. Russia proceeds to break up in to small territories. NATO, which recently welcomed Ukraine as a member advances into the former Russian state to seize assets as the spoils of war.  They take land all the way up to the Urals. China extends its influence over SE Asia, Mongolia and Siberia.

The CIA funds radical Islamic extremist organisations around the world in order to facilitate the elimination of hateful colonial religious systems in Africa and the Middle East. The genocide of religious communities is unprecedented. As per usual, Africa rarely rates a mention in the global news.

After successfully rolling out digital currencies, cash is sunset.  The only acceptable forms of stable coins for use are the Digital Dollar, Digital Euro or Digital Yuan - all backed by the IMF's SDR. The need for reporting GDP, inflation and other economic measurements are abolished, replaced by new metrics of carbon usage and population tracking.  All retail banks are closed.  Based on your social media posts and voting patterns, purchasing food, energy and ammunition is restricted.  

For the first time ever, the number of transgendered children outnumber those identifying as either male or female.  Child suicide rates hit record highs. Politicians and the media call for the reformation or elimination of the traditional religious system which is blamed for stereotyping and stigmatising vulnerable youth.  Western governments and trans-activists target Christians, justifying their eradication as necessary to deal with hateful ideology.

Churches are required to sign diversity statements or else be shut down.  The majority of evangelical churches sign the statements rationalising that 'sharing the gospel' is of greater importance than not being able to share the gospel. They even turn-in 'rebel' evangelical churches and individuals whom they accuse of 'not honouring the government' and spreading conspiracy theories. Re-education camps are activated as places where recalcitrants receive reformation training on how to be respectable members of society. People spend their waking hours in the meta-verse, it seems as if the public is completely onboard with this approach.

The world enters another global lockdown for the health and safety of a fractured and fragile society. When people post of social media about strange events, the media collectively censors their reports as misinformation and their accounts are suspended.  A.I. policing accuses people of 'wrong-think' and they disappear in the middle of the night - victims of the predictive algorithm. Millions go missing all over the world. The large number of vacant cars and houses are declared abandoned and those assets are assumed by stated endorsed corporations.  The world's population is estimated to fall to 7 billion.


An earthquake rocks Jerusalem, causing the Al Aqsa mosque to collapse.  The Israeli PM builds an interfaith temple for all people.  Security will ensured by continuous digital ID monitoring using an advanced release of Israel's Pegasus system. Remnants of rebel military forces assassinate President Newsom. He is declared brain dead lies in state for days. However, he receives a new neuralink brain chip update that restores his cognitive functions. Miraculously he makes a full cognitive recovery.  Through artificial intelligence his IQ ability appears to have enhanced.

Yuval Noah Harari proclaims Newsom is the first one to become trans-species.  A living example of the 4th industrial revolution which brings immortality to the human race.  This is lauded as the fulfilment of the promise of technology and the new horizon that awaits all of us. Proclamation statues are erected in cities around the world to ensure those everyone can simultaneously hear public proclamations and announcements.

Many Africans starve to death as most of the world's aid only reaches the major cities and even then is funnelled through corrupt channels. The majority survive on bugs.  However the media pick up a few positive stories and spin the narrative so as the rest of the world believes the Aid4Africa has been a great success.


As part of a global 'yang-yang' pact with President Xi, Newsom makes peace with China and green lights the semi-conductor manufacturing to produce the billions of BrainNet chips needed for billions of people world wide. With no resistance, China takes over all of south east Asia and the Pacific in a bloodless expansion of the Eastern Hemisphere.  Dan Andrews, the first President of the new Australian republic says Australia has always been part of Asia.

A massive earthquake hits the Himalayas wiping out 50% of the population of India through Bangladesh..  The corresponding breakdown of functioning infrastructure means the survivors in those countries die an agonising death. The sub-continent region becomes a wasteland.  In Europe, a long dormant volcano erupts killing millions. COP31 declares these events to be a sign that the Gaia is angry and will destroy the rest of the world unless we all make radical sacrifices to appease the earth.  The earth's population reaches 6 billion.


Weather events become more extreme resulting in unprecedented damage to property and life.  Climate alarmists take this as proof of their dire end of world predictions because we have not acted fast enough on climate change.  Those who say God controls the weather and is asking the world to repent are killed.  

Although prohibitively expensive for 95% of the worlds population, new battery storage technology increases the capacity of energy storage. Despite its promise, the elite struggle to get their hands of this technology because of choked up supply chains and mass worker and weather chaos.  In order to purchase scarce food, the middle class who own their homes are forced to hock them off to institutional hedge funds who offer then pennies on the dollar.  Corporate funds permit the former home owners to stay in their premises provided they pay a maintenance and reparation dividends at an 'indexed' rate which they determine.

A plague of locusts wipes out the majority of crops in Latin and South America resulting in mass starvation. Under the guise of a humanitarian mission, the US military enters all of South America in order to deliver food. They are welcomed with open arms by the socialist leaders of South America.  America becomes the first united empire to fully occupy two continents.  Bare shelves are common place.

Due to density levels, Smart Cities, appear successful in some European countries.  A universal 'MyCarbon' policy is developed and agreed upon based on these European trials.  The MyCarbon limits are mandated at COP32 and enforced using tracking of every digital dollar spent.  Petrol cars are declared as weapons of mass destruction and retail purchase of gasoline is banned.  Cars are effectively worthless,  The public are told to use public transport or purchase an EV car or bike. Earth Days are declared. The population is prevented from energy consumption on certain days of the week in order to ration and preserve the limited resources left.  

All countries except Israel agree to a ramped up global framework.  Israel are sanctioned and cast as an pariah state held hostage to Netanyahu's religious extremist coalition.  The lack of energy plunges much of the world into a new 'dark age' with misery and violent crime common place.  The world's population hits 5 billion.


Greta Thunberg declares that there are still too many of us for a sustainable earth.  'If any of us are to survive, we must take radical action now to reduce humanity's footprint this year.  Israel must be held responsible as a recalcitrant.'   Monitoring the decline of the world's population meter becomes akin to monitoring COVID case numbers 7 years earlier.

Unexplained fits and paralysis fall upon many people for months on end.  They cannot talk or communicate, but are in obvious pain.  Rumours abound as to whether it was an injection, demonic possession or related to the new eco-friendly diet they now eat.


A rogue nuclear strike from North Korea is launched against the US, laying waste the large sections of the mid-west. The US returns a nuclear strike wiping out the entire Korean peninsula and parts of Japan.   200 million people are dead in the space of 24 hours and hundreds of millions more die from contaminated water in the weeks to come.  


The USA ceases to exist as a functioning nation. Newsom declares that given the unprecedented world events, he is suspending elections. Other 'democracies' follow suit in suspending elections.  Leaders claim they will still adhere to democratic principles by listening to expert stakeholders before they make decisions. 'Enlightened Elites' actively discuss macro plans for earth's survival.  Their proposals and goals for earth are extremely dystopian.  For themselves, the elites plan for lunar survival pods to survive the existential threat to the world. Their grandiose ideas never materialise. With digital IDs, real time counting of the world's population is published.  The world's population hits 4 billion people.  Still people will not repent towards God.


In Jerusalem, two Jewish mystics become popular influencers. Despite attempts to censor them, their words cut through the algorithms both in reality and in the metaverse.  Beyond that they publicly perform miracles that can't be explained by science. Their continued presence disrupts the matrix.  A Special Operations Unit takes them out and their bodies are placed on display and monitored in real time for the world to gloat. However, after 3 days, they come back to life and rise up to heaven.  Destruction and unexplained terror fall.

President Newsom visits the occupied temple mount and proclaims that he has become God.  In a 3 way broadcast event, President Xi declares that both he and Harari support Newsom as 'Global Chairman' to lead a united East-West global partnership for the sake of saving the world and saving humanity through 'Science'. This broadcast is supported by an ensemble of economic, health, and global thought leaders.

An Asteroid  hits earth wiping out 1/3rd of humanity.  The sky is blackened and trade-winds cease for the for years.  Solar and wind power is useless and with base load power shut down, most of the world returns to primitive methods of hunting and gathering in order to survive.  Rolling and unexplained plagues torment the earth with festering sores and peeling skin. The world's population falls below 2 billion. Still people will not repent towards God.


The world's population falls below 1 billion.  As if they are tone deaf, the United Nations declare that its 2030 sustainable develop goals are within sight of being achieved.  The World Economic Forum say that evolution has taught us that only the strong survive, and even if we as Homo Deus species are reduced to 500 million, we will emerge as stronger and more powerful beings. 

Ironically, one of the only places to not suffer from famine, pestilence and disease is the tiny nation of Israel. While the rest of the world has reverted to subsistence living, Israel seems to have plenty and life continues as it was 10 short years ago.  When bullied, the Jewish leaders call upon their Messianic Saviour for protection. This provokes the world to jealousy. They speak blasphemy against Israel and this belief in God and threaten invasion.  But competence continues to evade the 'enlightened elites'.

NATO forces based in Moscow and Berlin prepare for an invasion of Israel from the north.  Most of their tanks, jets, drones and missiles are operationally useless due to lack of fuel.  But they cobble together a slow moving army to descend on the Holy Land.   Using their Belt and Road network, simultaneously the Chinese military march on foot towards Israel from the East.  As they cross Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and Iraq, their numbers swell as part of the Islamic Crusade to restore the former Ottoman Empire. Muslimas are excited to see the coming of their Messiah. 

The Lord Jesus Christ Returns to Earth as Judge and King.  Immediately every knee bows and every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord.  A new heaven and new earth a revealed, while perfect justice and judgement finally occurs.  

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